nice poems

Friday, April 22, 2016


As the captured air accelerates into breath;
Breath that was placed in bad health,
Like those animals in the zoo,
Reacting like they live in the loo.
Where their rumbling stomachs kill their hopes
To hang crucifix on them with ropes.

They need to taste the aroma of freedom,
Cos they've been tormented with boredom.
A war fought different wars with spittle,
Graves died since they were belittled.
Indigenes become foreigners in their own land,
Their futures have been covered with sand.

Stones blocking the air in tombs,
Many with no life in their wombs.
Trekking to an oblivion near abyss and purgatory,
Like they suffered the life in evil dormitory.
Their heads were used to break the alabaster,
As they were flogged like the last bastard.

When freedom is summoned,
Their two hands go wide and murmured.
Their faces talking with breeze,
Mouth open like volcanic eruption without ease.
As air of freedom sleep in their brains,
Just as the sun cried out rain.

Their tears turned blood,
And their eyes become blur.
They were spat on as if they were weak cats,
Same way they were trampled on as if they were spread mats.
Smile seize to jubilate with them,
As they pray to witness death.

They need freedom from this dungeon,
They've suffered even more than a surgeon.
Their faces have been clustered with stripes like tribal marks,
Canes created zebra crossing on their backs.
The only song they want to hear is that of dirge;
Yet death refuse to come.

#Sunsampaul d Philosopher

SAVE THE SLUM by Sunsampaul Egwu

They're suffering.
They passed through excruciating pains.
They were beaten, battered, shattered, scattered, and battered.
We always say they're leaders of tomorrow.
But they're living in sorrows.

I'm tired of waiting
for the melancholic news,
our tears and blood has failed to break.
Our truncated imaginations failed to trace
their agonies that split at dust.

But turns our eyes to oceans of sorrow.
Our homes a graveyard to mourn our daughters.
As scatterings of stars all over nation watch night race.
Our closed-open eyes harbour the sorrowful stories of sambisa gods.

Let placards embellish streets and shrines to bombard squares.
Let the echoes of our voices not be held by hiccup.
Let not our drop-down tears,
fall on deaf ears, so they won't say they didn't hear,
all because of fear.

I'm optimistic that I'll fight those
who steal sleep out of our eyes.
And even though my dreaming-sleepless night,
refuse to achieve its aim.
I'll sail through the deadly moon
of our ancestors, to appease the gods of the lands.

The slum is where souls eat once in three days.
The slum is where futures are destroyed.
Mentors can't be seen;
yet talents are found hovering in the air
Babies breastfeeding babies
Brothers fighting brothers.
While others are dying of cholera.

We all need to save the slum.
We need to save the lives of our brothers and sisters.
Poverty hijacking their lives.
While the rich are with wealth,
they're been bombarded with bad health.
Sending email as grotesque dust to them.
Their stars are now coal.
We need to extend our hands to save them!
Save the slum!

#Sunsampaul d Philosopher

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Penning your own slam poetry isn't as difficult as it might seem. Follow these quick guidelines and you'll have a first draft in no time!

Want to create a truly memorable or powerful slam poem? There are various tricks that you can use to make your slam poem stand out from other spoken work poetry at a poetry slam. Read this cheat sheet to write your own slam poetry—and learn how to wow crowds.
  1.  Do Your Homework. To know what makes slam poetry effective, you need to see a lot of it performed. Attend a poetry slam at a local coffee shop or bookstore. If you can't find one, head to, type in "slam poetry videos" and you'll be amazed by the quantity, quality, and variety that you’ll find. Take notes on which slam poems you like best and why they made an impression.
  2. Choose a Topic. Identify an event, person, or issue that evokes a passion in you. It could be a trip that changed the way you look at life. Maybe you recently fell in love or went through a bad breakup. Or, perhaps you're determined to do whatever you can to fight animal cruelty. When you're fired up, emotions and words are more likely to flow out of you.
  3. Put Your Words on Paper. Use your five senses to create a first draft. Write down what you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell when you think about your topic. Details are key when it comes to painting a vivid picture through slam poetry, so always ask yourself: "could I be more specific?" For instance, instead of writing "I drank a glass of water," write "I sipped on an ice-cold glass of water with a pinch of lemon that was so tart, it made me cringe." Craft your words into short stanzas that lend themselves to a natural rhythm and feel free to use rhyme if you feel like it.
  4. Edit yourself. When editing, read your poem out loud. If you find yourself stumbling over certain lines that are clunky or too long, that's when you know that a section probably needs to be cut, changed, or moved. It may help to use an online thesaurus if you're looking for synonyms to replace certain words.
  5. Add a Little Drama. Remember, you're not just reading your poem out loud—you're performing! The goal is to get the audience to audibly react (i.e. laugh, cry, gasp, snap, clap, yell "yeah!") to increase your score. So look for ways to increase the drama. Are there moments where you can whisper or shout? Are there places where you can speed up or slow down? Can you throw in facial expressions or bodily movements to illustrate your main messages?
After you follow these five steps, rehearse your poem and then sign up for a local poetry slam! Note: Most slams do not require you to memorize your poem, but you might want to. When you don't have to hold a piece of paper, you can look directly at the audience and use your hands as tools during the performance, which will give you a competitive edge.

LET US PRAY by Sunsampaul Egwu

Let us pray
For our nation to have strong hold,
So the venoms of the chitinous wind won't splash on us,
And our lives won't be swept under the rug
Due to the sprayed 33 bullets reeling around us.
Let us pray
For the lives of our children
That have no one to care for them.
Most of them been swallowed by grotesque dust that romanced them,
Others went stupor with cholera.
Diseases are now clothes they wear,
Malaria now rhymes they hum.
And for our chibok girls Whom death is weeping for but afraid to grabbing.
More than 700 days we've not seen them,
Even though the sun pout her lip at them.
Let us pray
For our tertiary institutions
That have become a dungeon for students.
Cultists cutting our future leaders with Cutty.
Making them swim in excruciating pains
As they salivate the ornament of instant death
That finger her nose in front of them.
Let us pray for the heads of our nation.
That they will become good leaders not bad rulers,
So we won't sleep with one eye open,
And our tongues won't engage in combat with our teeth
Like one afraid of death when surrounded with dirt.
Let us pray
For those terrorists terrorizing our territories,
Making us foreigners in our own land.
As our heads are hung upside down
While we run from the catacomb that appear amidst us,
And the poisonous poison that are poisoning our surrounding
In disguise of boom boom sound
Splitting bodies to become dust.
Let us pray
For unity among us,
So there will be peace not piss.
And we can have justice not just tease
So there'd be no segregation,
No diversity, no hatred, no war;
So we all we live as one to make a better nation,
A better NIGERIA!
NB: Cutty is a slang in confraternity and among cultists that means a sharp cutlass that inflicts excruciating pains that lead to instant death while it cuts
‪#‎Sunsampaul‬ Egwu


Words they love to lambaste
So loud, like they're in fierce combat
They're of different gene
Behaving like they drank dry gin

Their hands they used to fall down the cloud
Calling strife while it cry out loud.
Bombarding blunders; their habits
Shooting anxiety like bandits

They were meant to be gentle
So they can both get the mantle
Here they are vomiting poisonous venom like viper
Their Spittles wipe away human's joy like wiper

Enough of the harsh word Timothy
Enough of the word wrestling Lilian
Live and relate as one
Leave to dine and wine
So you won't become swine but be fine

Anger won't do you good
Like you're in the hood
It will strangle you with sword
And fill your mind with negative words
So kill your anger
Before it kills you

Hug each other and ride
Murder your ego and pride
So you'll smile and be young
Before you get old from being angry

#Sunsampaul d Philosopher
10minutes poetry

DECENT SAINT by Sunsampaul Egwu

 My friend have you seen
The decent saint that was sent
To fill me with his accent.
His apparel Fashed on my eyes,
Everywhere was very bright,
Even when there was no light.

My soft tender lip cuddled,
My white shining teeth flooded.
With Spittles of fear and anxiety
My feet lodged in serenity.
Suddenly I heard him whispered,
His voice sounded like that of a leopard.

He said to me in solemn tone
To look up and see the moon,
Never to give up on any doom,
But to explore and boom.
So I got up instantly and zoom,
The sound so loud like that of a bull.

This decent saint caressed me with hope,
Cuddled me and removed the enemies' ropes.
The arena began to fade,
I thought that was how it was made;
He gave me a close gaze,
Yellow and red light shone on my face.
The next thing I saw was myself on a mirror

I'm a decent saint,
My sent accent
Is so innocent
Like that of a real saint.
No wonder you desired
To vent what you scent
Without my consent.

#Sunsampaul d Philosopher

LET THERE BE LIGHT by Sunsampaul Egwu

 If Darkness envelop you,
What would you do?
This darkness is very black,
It has showed us evil with its back,
It is a mighty tunnel
That looks like a funnel.

Light comes for good,
It should be in my hood.
Light brings peace not piss,
It speaks justice not just hiss.
The wind of light brightens darkness,
It overshadows its shadow.

Light is unique.
It has an unreadable ink,
Yet it shines when we wink;
Its reflection always blink.
Let there be light to fill our links,
To open the secret of those in secret sinks

Let's there be light
To unleash different whips;
To whip those executhieves
So they will weep while our weeping stop.
Let its brightness quench our mistiness,
And its rays heal our illness.

Darkness is for evil,light is for good.
No good man go for evil, no bad man go for good.
Light can not doff its hat for darkness, cos light symbolizes Christ.
Light is not meant for a fight, so hold your life tight.
So light will shine on it,
And there would be no night,when you say let there be light.

#Sunsampaul d Philosopher

HAPPY BIRTHDAY by Sunsampaul Egwu

Happy birthday to those foetuses,
Who overcome the struggles in the womb,
Yet not being laid in the tomb.
Whose destinies are filled with sagacity,
Whose futures are In perfect serenity.

Happy birthday those teens,
Who galloped into adulthood with their kin.
Luckily they survived yesteryears,
Joyfully they banged the drum of a new year;
As melodious songs smiled on their years

Happy birthday those writers,
Whose pen fight for justice.
Refusing to succumb to the sound of just ease,
Creating spaces for those in bondage,
Giving speeches to those in old age.
Budding muses for those budding writers,
That aspire to make their pens freedom fighters.

Happy birthday those young philosophers,
Whose prowesses made them problem solvers.
Unending their enthusiasms count;
Their sagacity have no word count.
Whose destinies are guided by God
That enables them break any evil pod.

Happy birthday to those poets,
Whose poems pass messages
To reach all edges,
Cleansing all evil deeds
That are having their breeds
In different beings.
Who seek perfect peace
Not those ones like chitinous piss;
Whose poems make them poets not pole-wets.

#Sunsampaul d Philosopher

Monday, April 11, 2016

AVE VIRGO MARIA (a poem by Sunsampaul Egwu)

Ave Virgo Maria,
gratia plena, dominus tecum.
Benedicta tu in mulieribus,
et benedictus fructus
ventris tui, Iesus.

Sancta Virgo Maria,
Mater Dei, ora pro nobis
peccatoribus, nunc
et in hora mortris nostrae, ut videm.
Salve Regina,
Mater misericordiae,
Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve.
Ad te clamamus exsules filii Havae.
Ad te Suspiramus, gementes
et flentes in hac lacrimarum valle.
Eia ergo, Advocata nostra,
illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte.
Et Iesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui,
nobis post hoc exsilium ostende.
O clemens, o pia, o dulcius Virgo Maria.
NB: This poem was written in Roman Catholic Latin R.C.L, from Vatican II system, during the adminstration of Pope John Paul II in Vatican City, Rome, Italy.
‪#‎Sunsampaul‬ d Philosopher


 Good evening Dears. I am blessed to be amongst you all.
As you have read from the memoir I am a lover of nature. I believe if we take a closer look at nature the world would be a better place.I encourage each of us to take a keen look at one of the smallest and stubborn insect
Facts about the ant
1⃣ The ant is the most successful insect.
Some information we should all know is the Insects are the most successful organisms on earth. They are found in all conditions of earthly life. Their bodies adapt in the most beautiful way to their environment.Of all the insects the ant takes the lead.
2⃣The ant carries objects as large as 5 times its weight.
This is not only because of its cuticle skeleton but mainly because of its NEVER GIVE UP ATTITUDE. The ant never backs down
3⃣The ant has no leader yet it does every work diligently.
The queen ants carry out reproduction for three years, The worker ant makes sure all ants are well fed,they search for food with accuracy. In addition they grow GARDENS
Did u know... Ants do farming?? Ants also build the Majestic ANT hill.Compare their ANT hill to their small size.
4⃣ The ant works in a team...It works as a family.
When an ant finds makes sure the whole ant land knows.Its never selfish. It makes sure it leaves paths for the others to find its treasure. It does not keep treasure for itself
5⃣ The ants saves for the worst
In dry season it saves for the wet season.It makes sure there is enough to go through that period
Wonderful Lessons to learn from the ant
1⃣ Its not about your size its all about your attitude
2⃣Teamwork is the best option always
3⃣Dont be selfish. Everyone matters
4⃣Always save. The future always matters more than your present
5⃣Dont forget your family and your friends. Find a way to help them.i.e. Dont be selfish
6⃣Work as if the whole world is on your shoulders. Coz the truth is that it is on your shoulders.
7⃣ The ant doesnt care what others are upto. As long as it does its work diligently
8⃣Persevere to the end. The ant NEVER GIVES UP
9⃣The ant is an opprtunist. It makes the best of every situation
🔟 Ants are organized. They communicate. Scientists are yet to decifer their language.
Please lets communicate. We will get more organised.
Finally friends dont leave this wisdom here. Don't be the selfish greedy grasshopper.
Well then I bid everyone fair well. I have extra Lectures on the ant, lion, and the eagle. Contact me via comment in  if you're interested. Thank you once again!


 My focus is on the mind. Although a very vast topic, but I'd just narrow it down to us as writers.
Every human on earth has been blessed with a very important asset.
The MIND is a very important tool for creation or destruction.
I'd just ask a short question. Who can define the word 'Mind'?
*⃣  Answer:
To me I don't think mind can be define, buts its our ability to think and pass judgment on things*⃣
OK .you tried.
In Psychology, the mind is that place where conscious or unconscious mental activities are processed before action.
According to Webster's Dictionary, the mind is the element, part, substance, or process that reasons, thinks, feels, wills, perceives, judges, etc. All of these make up the human mind.
So, as writers, and as humans, we are to make good use of our minds.
I call the mind a workshop; not just any workshop, but a highly creative one. It expands to as far as you want it to. Therefore, this workshop, although small, cannot be limited.
In the mind, you are
Nest your ideas
Dominate boundaries.
These four can move your works to another level.
The mind is one of the best or worst places in the human body. Anybody who knows how to take charge of their minds can virtually do anything.
I saw a 3D cartoon today, and it dawned on me that the major character (Barbie) actually sees herself in her mind accomplishing some difficult task, and she reproduces it in the physical, thereby winning in the process.
The mind is a very sacred place, and should either be well taken care of, or allow it to be dormant and unproductive.
In the Bible, it is stated that we should renew our minds constantly. Clear out all the junk in that bunk, and begin to make it serve you well as a writer.
No writer can achieve much with a messed up mind.
The junks in the bunk could be problems surrounding you, but you can use your creative mind to reproduce a beautiful story or poem with these challenges, because at that point, all the attributes of the five senses are invoked.
Our topic of focus THE MIND; the writer's creative workshop will be dealing on how we can as writer make proper use of the unique section of our brain.
Work your brain...!
Creativity is first conceived in the mind. You can create scenes, actions, words, build, destroy, etc all in this chamber.
There is virtually no one either in the Arts or Sciences that does not have something from their. In fact, every imagine, but many are afraid to create.
As a thespian, I was taught to improvise. You can't improvise if your mind is not allowed to stretch.
Provisation can be done anywhere, either in the workshop or anywhere, thus you stand to be limitless in every aspect of your creative exercise. Nothing stops you.
Writers are radical creators. They allow their imaginations to run wild, and then go ahead to accomplish a task.
I said, in the mind, you are;
Nesting your ideas
Dominating boundaries.
If you are not motivated, you cannot do your research to write intelligently, and if you don't nest your creative ideas  you cannot dominate boundaries...
Let's move on. Now, I noticed that there are actually ways to task your mind...
Let's consider these rules
1⃣  Give yourself certain periods of alone time to think through your thoughts. Eliminate the bad thought by not dwelling on them. Focus on the beneficial ones.
*Think through your thoughts. Some thoughts are not capable of bringing to you positive creative results in your writing.
THE MIND; the writer's creative workshop.
2⃣  Begin to explore areas in your mind that you can start creating something. For example, you have an idea about a story you want to write, focus on that only. Totally immerse yourself in that moment. This is the reason why most writers like their 'alone moments'.
Alone moments are very precious to any writer. Ask them, and you'll get all kinds of weird answers. For me, when I want to writer, and I am in the midst of people, I implore the use of 'selective hearing'. I create a padded wall in my mind, and people's voices begin to fade out, that way, I am drawn into my alone moment, then I begin to scribble.
The mind cannot be limited!
3⃣  Learn something new everyday. You can learn from:
*Your environment: the happenings around, discussions among people
*Reading books: you need someone's work to task your mind to wander into the scenario, thereby engaging all your five senses. In fact, as a writer, if you haven't gotten to the point where you see, feel, touch, taste, and hear in your works, then you haven't allowed your mind to take proper position of its power.
4⃣  Produce great ideas. In the workshop of your mind, you are not allowed to shut out ideas creeping towards recognition. It in fact is your time to grasp onto those ideas. Make them come alive. Sieve through.
You do this by:
*Avoiding limitations. Limitations are a killer of the creative mind.
*Expand your imagination. Even Moses was told to stretch his vision when God spoke to him. He looked (in his mind) as far as he could see. Expand your mind when you have a photograph on an artwork before you. Try to imagine what the picture is all about. See what others can't see. If possible try to write something from what you saw in the work of art, and you'll be amazed at what will surface. I try that a lot. Art works most times influence my imagination (mind).
You can also expand your mind by merely listening to someone talk. It could be that in that little time, you'd grasp a picture, words or phrases that can spark off something. You can begin to create in your mind whilst the person is still yapping away
5⃣  Stay away from creativity door shutters. These people are:
Those who think you are not creative enough. Stick around them though, but learn to discern when they are being cynics or critiques. If an amateur young writer faces either, he may not be able to handle it. He might feel discouraged in the process.
Learn to create ideas in your mind, then eliminate what you do not need for your workshop to be fully equipped and ready for the writing task.
You can't write with a crowded mind. Do a thorough spring clean...
6⃣  Widen your perspective. Yes, do this always. Carve out new paths, thereby carving a niche for yourself. You must not relapse solely into someone else's style. Define you. Work your mind. Writing style and all that. Define your category/genre(s). This will boost your confidence. Avoid demeaning acts in you mind.
When I say demeaning acts, I mean actions that will not help you progress in your writing lifestyle. Not everyone can take note of this.
My next point is most important to me as well as other writers...
7⃣  Do not be afraid to share your creative 'Aha! Eureka!' Moments with your band of writing clique. It will help you help them too. They too will begin to use their minds as you speak to them. At that point, ideas begin to connect. I call it a collective uniformity of thoughts/ideas. Everyone listening to one, and several minds drawing strength. This is in fact a great exercise for the writer's mind.
Eureka means Voila in French, it also means 'Finally!' Or 'This is it!' Or that moment when you get something right, and you exclaim in sheer excitement. It is that moment when the light bulb comes on
Many writers are protective of what they have inside
That's why many don't share
Truth is, no writer writes alone
8⃣  Attend creative writing workshops to help your own creative writing workshop to function properly. The more you do this, the more you become better at what you do. Iron sharpens another iron, but if an iron tries to sharpen a wood, you know the result...
When I say that, it doesn't mean the times they go to their writing study, for that alone time
All I am simply saying it that they had times when they met with other writers...
Read point. 8
They usually have fellowship moments
Ok, so... Let me give the last point
My last point
9⃣ Put in great creative effort. Don't allow your mind to be dormant for any reason; even if you do not write something long, just tap on your ideas, and work on a line or two.
Imagine if an upholster wants to create/make an out of this world settee, he'd bring out a pen, paper, and his mind. He does not just get is at one sitting. He tries severally on paper before he brings it to life, using all the carpentry tools. If he can, you too can.
You need your workshop functioning so that people who read your works can be transported to many locations without boundaries.
Your mind is a place of endless creativity. ..
Nurture it!


Have you ever wondered where you may find yourself in some 2-3, maybe 5 years time? Realistically, do you see a bigger picture of you or something less?? I assume we would all say bigger but only you can tell if you're actually being honest with yourself. Great.
We all have greatness inside of us. We all are called to make a difference in the lives of others. Greatness is not just for a particular set of people. However how often do we visualize our own potential for greatness? The only difference between you and those that have achieved a measure of greatness is that they have done things that you have failed to do. What are these things then? You may ask!
1) They have gained CLARITY.
What's our perception of clarity? Anyone?   
They have been known and recognized of whom they are
Any other person's idea of clarity? 
They discovered d greatness in them and work towards it
Good In the simplest Layman term, clarity means I understand my dreams perfectly, I know what my purpose is and I am going for it. However expanded or simplified.
This is what clarity is about So CLARITY tells you what exactly you are existing for. It's the first question you must always ask yourself What is my core? What is my purpose? What is my message? What do I stand for? Everyone,  implicitly or explicitly, want their lives to stand for something. 
To have its own unique meaning So this leads you to discovering what your passion is. I would have begun by asking everyone what their passion is. This is not the simplest question. You may be amazed how you struggle to squeeze yourself into so many titles But is this really you? Are you really living your dream or someone else's? Your passion MUST be an integral part of you that cannot be taken away. It's your identification! Clarity would help you discover this. With this, you may also want to ask yourself the next question....
2) What exactly are my dreams, goals and aspirations? It's not enough to have passion. But your passion can never be ignited without GOALS The goal is the POWER HOUSE. It is the healing Magic! So I may be a writer. What exactly do I stand for as a writer? Then I may say, to become a voice for the voiceless, to motivate and to inspire.
Then what am I doing to achieve this end? Storm these questions in the silence of your thoughts, your inner self would be awakened! When you find the answers, you may want to ask yourself another question...
3) Why do you want it?
This is the VISIONAIRE's question. The "Why" will guide you towards making lifetime decisions.
Before anything, always  ask yourself not just what your dreams are but why exactly you want to achieve them. Why do you want to become a poet? Why do you want to become a public speaker?
Is it because my friends are or because I have a purpose to achieve with it If you're not sure why you want to thread that path, then chances are it's probably not for you,.
Know your onion!
If you don't stand for something, you will fall for everything When you have understood your "WHY" which is the vision towards achieving your goal, then you want to know "HOW" You can't escape the why's and the how's You can't escape the why's and the how's Do you sometimes wonder why some people are so celebrated but when you look at their capabilities, you realize that you CAN do better! But why not me? Why am I not noticed? Don't you wonder? If you don't ask yourself these "shameless" questions sometimes, well I do. You want to know why? Because If I don't compete with myself, I could never progress! All it takes to maximize your core potentials is finding answers to questions as these and acting upon the answers So example is this.
Ada and Ola are writers each on different fields. Ada runs a blog, writes all day and night, attends seminars, Joins intellectual whatsap groups, streamlines her contacts to those of purpose, but Ola is just a writer who writes when the inspiration storms. Ada wins all forms of scholarships and awards but Ola gets none. But Ola is a better writer than Ada. Why not him? Lol logically, the answer is already clear. Whilst you harness your dreams and vision, and set goals, make yourself prepared for opportunities that will come with it because they surely will come 
Many of us are what I call "Wardrobe writers". We write for our eyes only. We are even scared to show others our stuff for fear of criticism, even when we share, and the criticisms roll in, we get all feisty You are not preparing yourself for greatness because to be great, you've got to be known.
That's the
Put your abilities out there. Do things! Try try and keep trying. Watch how others are doing it, do yours! Start from little, and watch yourself storm into greatness It’s a misery for an opportunity to arrive and find you unprepared… Finally you should always ask yourself "When" Watch how important the why, how and when questions are vital And for me, there's no thinking it.
When always goes for me as "NOW" I always say to my friends, "E don already happen before e happen". This is the visionaire's mind. As long as you envision it, nothing should stop you! I saw a short but funny Facebook post from Tiencepay today that went
I find that hilarious because I could relate.
The idea is that you can't do it all now but if your mind is always on the NOW, you'd get most of it done before you know it and the chances for self-doubt and FEAR will be less It's almost psychological You can actually TIME your success strategically "(but that would be going into another topic)" basically, success is learned and mastered! We only need to decide critically When we want it and the answer to when should always be “Now”! Dreams are hard to follow but with clarity, and consistency, we can actually achieve all of them one after the other.
Last year left me with a testimony I'd always be grateful to share. When I conceived a project #ChildHero to reaching out to the less privileged, I was not sure how this will happen. I took a risk I never shared with anyone as am always weary of Negative vibes. When I threw out a call for entry for the short story contest on my blog as a part of the campaign, I wanted to do a movie in line with the story and a one-on-one with the children.
When I threw out the call for entry, I was not sure about the rest. Nothing was working. But it was all done in my head. I'd shot this film and done the street reach out but in reality, it was just me and this contest on my blog. But I kept pushing and whilst the contest was on, I was working out means upon means, getting turned down and fighting back. The rest is history now for those who made it to the funfair.
What's the point, when your mind is on the GOAL, and your when is NOW.
But trust God and trust yourself that you will achieve any end you wish towards maximizing your potential. You already heard this "What you put out to the Universe is what you get back” What's your energy status saying towards achieving your goals? And it all boils down to CLARITY.