The river died
When the fishes we kill
No longer swim with skills
And too weak to swim deep
For the fear of sighting a heep
The river died
When Titus sucked her dry
And children jumped in after giving a pry
Mothers washed clothes that are dirty
And Fathers placed their foot that are filthy
The river died
When the hummingbirds lied
And the hissing animals cried
For the many atrocities
That happen in our local cities
The river died
When the greatest iroko
Fell down imperceptibly at eko'
And its widely spread branches
Were heard making a sound called branch-hiss
The river died
When the hungry shark
Swallowed the dark looking spark
Who passed through excruciating pains
So his descendants can reign
The river died
When Ikenna pour out his spittles
That were not little
They deflowered the river
And made it shiver
Like a dying diva
The river died
When its surface became a tide
And the wind decided to hide
From the reminiscent gong that travel by night
And the tales hidden at moon light
The river died
When Ikechukwu failed to strive
The moment destiny arrived
Yet he decided to build his pride
That made people took him for a ride
The river died
When it travelled to north and never returned
Even after many ships turned
She was found dead clustered with thorns
©Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher

CITADEL OF LIFE........................(OWNED BY SUNSAMPAUL EGWU A.K.A PHILOSOPHER) Here we bring to your desk poems, prose, articles, news headlines, and all the pleasure of life in written and pictorial form. feel free to make submission of your muse for the world to view your prowess, appreciate it, share it and promote it if need be. NOTE, CITADEL OF LIFE is for everyone. it is the stronghold of life that appreciate all literary works and promote art and literature.Feel free to comment
nice poems
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
SHAKESPEARE(a poem by Sunsampaul Egwu)
He was as old as the old rugged cross,
Even though his voice sounded like that of Rick-Ross.
He's still very strong and vibrant in action.
His words make proper direction.
His punchlines punched our minds to follow his land mark,
Our subconscious minds were made conscious; glory we didn't lack.
We now write with his hands,
Hopefully to be by his right hand.
He never came to fight,
But he left as a knight.
He never fought with guns and spear,
But with his words called Shakespeare.
Aye! he still lives in us,
Even though he never traveled by horse.
His accent is so decent,
It sounded same as a new saint.
His pen of wisdom, I'll suck,
His prowess never get stuck.
I'll find my idiosyncratic prowess in his vein,
So I too can live and reign.
©Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher
SING ALONG WITH ME(a poem by Sunsampaul Egwu)
Sing along with me
That solemn song of sorrow
So we shall have a better tomorrow
And let's every evil arrow
That is sent to our marrow
Never get to us today or tomorrow
Sing along with me
That joyful song of praise
So our voices will be raised
And let the heaven hearken to our cry
And come down to give a pry
Sing along with me
That lovely song called lullaby
So our night we be like that of a baby
Even the when our hearts are troubled
We shall never grumble
Sing along with me
That song we always sing at war
So our enemies will never rejoice over us
But victory will be rendered to us
As our voices yearn for glorious victory
Sing along with me
That peaceful song of peace
So our lives will be at ease
No matter the bomb blast and sound of a siren
That make our environment not to be serene
Sing along with me
That song of unity
So there'd be no segregation
No religious diversity
And no tribalism
So that peace will reign
And justice will prevail
©Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher
That solemn song of sorrow
So we shall have a better tomorrow
And let's every evil arrow
That is sent to our marrow
Never get to us today or tomorrow
Sing along with me
That joyful song of praise
So our voices will be raised
And let the heaven hearken to our cry
And come down to give a pry
Sing along with me
That lovely song called lullaby
So our night we be like that of a baby
Even the when our hearts are troubled
We shall never grumble
Sing along with me
That song we always sing at war
So our enemies will never rejoice over us
But victory will be rendered to us
As our voices yearn for glorious victory
Sing along with me
That peaceful song of peace
So our lives will be at ease
No matter the bomb blast and sound of a siren
That make our environment not to be serene
Sing along with me
That song of unity
So there'd be no segregation
No religious diversity
And no tribalism
So that peace will reign
And justice will prevail
©Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher
MUMMY WHY(a flash fiction by Sunsampaul Egwu)
Henry was only twelve years old when his mother died of cervical cancer. CC as it is mostly called by Umunze inhabitants; it is said to have been the disease that killed most of the women and girls in Umunze. Henry and his only brother Gabriel were left to be trained by their poor father. Their late mother has been the bread winner of the family before she died. Mr Njoku, Henry's father lost his job six years ago and ever since then he has been finding it difficult to get another job.
Henry decided to stop schooling so he can assist his father in putting food on their table. He contemplated into working as house help. After discussing it with his father. His father agreed and so Henry decided to give it a start
Henry got a job as a house help in the subsequent week. He was working in the house of Mr. Elias Nwafor, who happens to be a good man, though he travelled after employing him. Mrs. Elias happens to be a wicked woman who find pleasure in maltreating Henry. Henry still took her as mother, no matter her hatred to him. Less than a month she added many scars and stripes on Henry's skin that made his skin look like that of a zebra.
The children of Mrs. Elias barely do anything in the house. The torture became worse to the extent she barely feed Henry. Henry always sleep in the small apartment given to him and at the end of the month, after collecting his salary he always send 50% to his father to train his younger brother and take care of himself. Henry will save the remaining for future use. Henry never mentioned how he has been maltreated by Mrs. Elias to anyone not even his father. Each time he returned home by month end the for weekend visit, his father always ask him about the scars on his skin but he always lied to cover up the truth in its root.
One day when Mr. Elias returned, one of his younger sons reported to him how their mother always beat Henry and that she's guilty of child abuse according to what their teacher taught them in school. Mr. Elias confronted his wife who blatantly denied the allegation. She continued her wickedness to Henry each time she is alone in the house with him.
Though the little boy always take her as his mother and call her mother, but she's not comfortable with him calling her mother. She bit him the more telling him to go look for his dead mother. Her wickedness became obvious that the husband easily notice it each time he returns from work and neighbours began to notice it each time they hear the scream of Henry. She decided to remove Henry from the house since the husband now have great love for Henry. Mr. Elias noticing this maltreatment, enrolled Henry in a good school to continue his education which brought out the devil in his wife.
One day after she finished preparing dinner, all the family are on the dinning eating. Henry was in his room reading. Though Mr. Elias travelled for two days meeting. She served Henry his food in his room which she had already poisoned. But Henry decided that he will eat after studying. One of the sons of Mrs. Elias entered Henry's room as he always do to play with him but Henry told him he's studying. Danny as he's called decided to taste Henry's food. He said "Henry can I taste your meal, it seems mum even added enough meat for you today, can I as well take a bite" Henry who didn't know the secret behind Mrs. Elias food, gave Danny a go ahead. And Danny started eating the food. After he took a full spoon the third time. He started screaming and vomiting blood and he died almost imperceptibly. Then the mother rushed in, she found Danny lying dead with his mouth clustered with blood. She accused Henry of killing her son. She wept , wept and wept bitterly. Henry was astonished and devastated.
The sad news get to Mr. Elias who immediately took the next flight. On getting home he found police arresting Henry. He knew Henry can't do such a thing. He threatened his wife to confess and say the truth since she cooked the food and Henry haven't touched the food then she killed her son. She became speechless and tears gushed out from her eyes. She didn't know when she muttered in her words saying " I didn't know Danny will eat Henry's food. I prepared it for henry to eliminate him, please forgive me". Having heard her confession the police took her away and Mr. Elias with tears hugged Henry. And decided to train henry and his brother as his own children
©Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher
Henry decided to stop schooling so he can assist his father in putting food on their table. He contemplated into working as house help. After discussing it with his father. His father agreed and so Henry decided to give it a start
Henry got a job as a house help in the subsequent week. He was working in the house of Mr. Elias Nwafor, who happens to be a good man, though he travelled after employing him. Mrs. Elias happens to be a wicked woman who find pleasure in maltreating Henry. Henry still took her as mother, no matter her hatred to him. Less than a month she added many scars and stripes on Henry's skin that made his skin look like that of a zebra.
The children of Mrs. Elias barely do anything in the house. The torture became worse to the extent she barely feed Henry. Henry always sleep in the small apartment given to him and at the end of the month, after collecting his salary he always send 50% to his father to train his younger brother and take care of himself. Henry will save the remaining for future use. Henry never mentioned how he has been maltreated by Mrs. Elias to anyone not even his father. Each time he returned home by month end the for weekend visit, his father always ask him about the scars on his skin but he always lied to cover up the truth in its root.
One day when Mr. Elias returned, one of his younger sons reported to him how their mother always beat Henry and that she's guilty of child abuse according to what their teacher taught them in school. Mr. Elias confronted his wife who blatantly denied the allegation. She continued her wickedness to Henry each time she is alone in the house with him.
Though the little boy always take her as his mother and call her mother, but she's not comfortable with him calling her mother. She bit him the more telling him to go look for his dead mother. Her wickedness became obvious that the husband easily notice it each time he returns from work and neighbours began to notice it each time they hear the scream of Henry. She decided to remove Henry from the house since the husband now have great love for Henry. Mr. Elias noticing this maltreatment, enrolled Henry in a good school to continue his education which brought out the devil in his wife.
One day after she finished preparing dinner, all the family are on the dinning eating. Henry was in his room reading. Though Mr. Elias travelled for two days meeting. She served Henry his food in his room which she had already poisoned. But Henry decided that he will eat after studying. One of the sons of Mrs. Elias entered Henry's room as he always do to play with him but Henry told him he's studying. Danny as he's called decided to taste Henry's food. He said "Henry can I taste your meal, it seems mum even added enough meat for you today, can I as well take a bite" Henry who didn't know the secret behind Mrs. Elias food, gave Danny a go ahead. And Danny started eating the food. After he took a full spoon the third time. He started screaming and vomiting blood and he died almost imperceptibly. Then the mother rushed in, she found Danny lying dead with his mouth clustered with blood. She accused Henry of killing her son. She wept , wept and wept bitterly. Henry was astonished and devastated.
The sad news get to Mr. Elias who immediately took the next flight. On getting home he found police arresting Henry. He knew Henry can't do such a thing. He threatened his wife to confess and say the truth since she cooked the food and Henry haven't touched the food then she killed her son. She became speechless and tears gushed out from her eyes. She didn't know when she muttered in her words saying " I didn't know Danny will eat Henry's food. I prepared it for henry to eliminate him, please forgive me". Having heard her confession the police took her away and Mr. Elias with tears hugged Henry. And decided to train henry and his brother as his own children
©Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher
IKENNA RETURNED WITH A ZEBRA(a flash fiction by Sunsampaul Egwu)
It was a rainy Sunday evening in the village of Umayi in Enugu state. The village happens to be a poor village as many famers, hunter, and traders are living in poverty no matter their hustles. Ikenna is a little boy, the son of Ikechukwu one of the fearless and skillful hunters in Umayi. That Sunday it rained heavily as the roof of every huts were found combating with the sky. The sound made by the rain was terrifying as the rain whip many youths who were still playing football outside; not minding the cold that will batter them thereafter.
Ikenna was only eleven years old and his mother and father were the only one that care for him. He loves the work of his father who his growing old due to he had late issues. Everyday Ikenna will watch his father Ikechukwu practice his hunting skills at the back of their hut. The little boy always gave a pry to learn from his father. Subsequently he continued without his father's notice.
One day Ikechukwu went to hunt but his trap didn't trapped any grass cutter nor did he set his eyes on any animal. He was devastated and weak when he returned home, which made the family slept without eating. This made Ikenna sobber, he contemplated telling his father to teach him his hunting skills and give him the paraphernalia he needed for hunting. He later slept that night with this thought in his mind.
At the early crow of the cock, Ikenna woke up and before his father could set his gun, traps, paraphernalia and hunting bag to go hunter, he went to him " father I've watched you hunt all the time and last night you didn't come back with any which gave us no option than to sleep without dinner, father I desire to assist you in hunting" he said. Inexhaustibly Ikechukwu looked him in his eyes like he was going to devour him, he did that to see if his boy has bravery in him, then he said "my boy; hunting doesn't make you a hunter, I want you to be a hunter before you join me in hunting, so don't worry when you get to the rightful age I'll groom you to be a skillful and fearless hunter than me". Ikenna smiled knowing he'll win his father's heart with his next word, without any hesitation in order for his father not to quickly hurry to the bush he said to him " If Ikechukwu didn't teach Ikenna his son how to hunt who will fire his gun when he's gone or who will check his trap when he's trapped."
Hearing this Ikechukwu laughed loudly and said to his son " Okay my boy; you just proved that your words isn't that of a child but an adult, now listen. Firstly you must be brave, fearless, skillful, and humble, then you must always practice the hunting skill not to get killed by some wild animals, lastly you must be vigilant. They both smiled and Ikechukwu took Ikenna to hunt with him. That day, they both returned with two grass cutters each.
Ikenna wasn't satisfied he wanted to be the greatest hunter that will return with what no one had caught. He went to a bush in the other close to his village; the village happens to be knowns as Ukachi. In the subsequent day. That hot afternoon while he was in the bush he saw some animals fighting. Then he fired his bullet and it hit the Zebra on the left leg. The other animals which were kangaroos, deer and antelopes took to their heels. Ikenna was lucky the wildest animals like lions, elephants, and tigers, wasn't among. Though he was brave and skillful. He dragged the Zebra out of the bush and summoned two hunters to assist him. They were astonished due to his age but they assisted him by taking the Zebra to his village which happens to be close to Ukachi village.
Seeing Ikenna and two hunters, the villages of Umayi were afraid but when they enquired from one of the hunters carrying the Zebra with him they became amaze, and many started singing and praising the little Ikenna for being the first to return home with a Zebra. Many who held the song, quickly join the movement. His father saw him and smiled he was speechless, then he hugged Ikenna and tears of Joy rolled down his chin. The poor mother said "Indeed Ikenna is now stronger than his father though like father like son," and the crowd laughed and all went happily spreading the great news.
©Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher
Ikenna was only eleven years old and his mother and father were the only one that care for him. He loves the work of his father who his growing old due to he had late issues. Everyday Ikenna will watch his father Ikechukwu practice his hunting skills at the back of their hut. The little boy always gave a pry to learn from his father. Subsequently he continued without his father's notice.
One day Ikechukwu went to hunt but his trap didn't trapped any grass cutter nor did he set his eyes on any animal. He was devastated and weak when he returned home, which made the family slept without eating. This made Ikenna sobber, he contemplated telling his father to teach him his hunting skills and give him the paraphernalia he needed for hunting. He later slept that night with this thought in his mind.
At the early crow of the cock, Ikenna woke up and before his father could set his gun, traps, paraphernalia and hunting bag to go hunter, he went to him " father I've watched you hunt all the time and last night you didn't come back with any which gave us no option than to sleep without dinner, father I desire to assist you in hunting" he said. Inexhaustibly Ikechukwu looked him in his eyes like he was going to devour him, he did that to see if his boy has bravery in him, then he said "my boy; hunting doesn't make you a hunter, I want you to be a hunter before you join me in hunting, so don't worry when you get to the rightful age I'll groom you to be a skillful and fearless hunter than me". Ikenna smiled knowing he'll win his father's heart with his next word, without any hesitation in order for his father not to quickly hurry to the bush he said to him " If Ikechukwu didn't teach Ikenna his son how to hunt who will fire his gun when he's gone or who will check his trap when he's trapped."
Hearing this Ikechukwu laughed loudly and said to his son " Okay my boy; you just proved that your words isn't that of a child but an adult, now listen. Firstly you must be brave, fearless, skillful, and humble, then you must always practice the hunting skill not to get killed by some wild animals, lastly you must be vigilant. They both smiled and Ikechukwu took Ikenna to hunt with him. That day, they both returned with two grass cutters each.
Ikenna wasn't satisfied he wanted to be the greatest hunter that will return with what no one had caught. He went to a bush in the other close to his village; the village happens to be knowns as Ukachi. In the subsequent day. That hot afternoon while he was in the bush he saw some animals fighting. Then he fired his bullet and it hit the Zebra on the left leg. The other animals which were kangaroos, deer and antelopes took to their heels. Ikenna was lucky the wildest animals like lions, elephants, and tigers, wasn't among. Though he was brave and skillful. He dragged the Zebra out of the bush and summoned two hunters to assist him. They were astonished due to his age but they assisted him by taking the Zebra to his village which happens to be close to Ukachi village.
Seeing Ikenna and two hunters, the villages of Umayi were afraid but when they enquired from one of the hunters carrying the Zebra with him they became amaze, and many started singing and praising the little Ikenna for being the first to return home with a Zebra. Many who held the song, quickly join the movement. His father saw him and smiled he was speechless, then he hugged Ikenna and tears of Joy rolled down his chin. The poor mother said "Indeed Ikenna is now stronger than his father though like father like son," and the crowd laughed and all went happily spreading the great news.
©Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher
LET HEAVEN BEAR ME WITNESS(a poem by Sunsampaul Egwu)
Let heaven bear me with
That the change we voted is not what we have seen
Even when we are innocent, they claimed it is our sins
Our children are dying of cholera
No safe water to drink in this ghetto's era
Let heaven bear me witness
That our eyes no longer sleep
Even the moon is afraid to take a sip
And the sun is hidden in heaven
So its duty won't be thrown into a coven
Let heaven bear me witness
That our parents now cry at night
They've all loose their sights
No tales to be told at moonlight
When there is no kerosene to make the lamp light
Let heaven bear me witness
That the good now die while the bad still lives
Our universities are now vast cities of atrocities
No guidance for the students
No job for the graduate
No pension for the old ones
Let heaven bear me witness
That this excruciating pains
Have travelled through my veins
There's no chance for the young to reign
Those executhieves in politricks still loot our money to overseas
Yet they claim we can't see
Let heaven bear me witness
That one day will come
When acid rain will rain on them
And then we shall know the truth
As all their lies will leave their roots
And all evil doers will definitely loose their hoods
©Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher
That the change we voted is not what we have seen
Even when we are innocent, they claimed it is our sins
Our children are dying of cholera
No safe water to drink in this ghetto's era
Let heaven bear me witness
That our eyes no longer sleep
Even the moon is afraid to take a sip
And the sun is hidden in heaven
So its duty won't be thrown into a coven
Let heaven bear me witness
That our parents now cry at night
They've all loose their sights
No tales to be told at moonlight
When there is no kerosene to make the lamp light
Let heaven bear me witness
That the good now die while the bad still lives
Our universities are now vast cities of atrocities
No guidance for the students
No job for the graduate
No pension for the old ones
Let heaven bear me witness
That this excruciating pains
Have travelled through my veins
There's no chance for the young to reign
Those executhieves in politricks still loot our money to overseas
Yet they claim we can't see
Let heaven bear me witness
That one day will come
When acid rain will rain on them
And then we shall know the truth
As all their lies will leave their roots
And all evil doers will definitely loose their hoods
©Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher
A woman's beautiful face attract a flirt, a
woman's beautiful heart attract a lover, a
woman's beautiful character attract a man.
# Ambassador Mary
Show to me a pure virgin and I will tell you under
her skirt lies a thousand hands of sex!
Even if you are a virgin under, your lips has been
defiled by words, your eyes has been defiled by
things you see...
©Philosopher SSP
Not every skirt put on the table is meant for your
heart. Choose wisely
Not everything that makes your mouth watery is
good for your stomach
Poison can also look sweet.
# Running#Gome
Not every skirt put on the table is meant for your
heart. Choose wisely.
#Running Gome.
You will always know what to do but you have a
choice to do good or do wrong. If I were you I'll
do good.
©Philosopher SSP
"Attitude is like a costume; it beautifies your
character and enhance the role you portray, so
choose the right attitude."
# decentgoogle .go
# GoodMorning
# StayConnected
Make peace with your past or else it will
automatically be in your present and destroy your
#Running Gome#
Life is not the measure of the treasures you
gather. It is the measure of our blessings to
©Amb. S.T.O Emmanuel
From the day I understood what life really is,
nothing freaks me.
©Amb.S.T.O Emmanuel
Your tongue is the richest on earth, it can buy
death and life.
# ChildProdigy
Insanity precedes sanity. Who has ever done
something sane without being relatively insane?
# Dark Genius
Blood money with time will take away it's blood
and honey. If you can't beat them, run away
from them, and reinforce to win them. Patience
is key.
# machenryspeaks.
Door Knocks Twice Insider asks: Who's There
Ans: Its Me "Opportunity" Insider: You Are Wrong
because Opportunity never Knocks twice.
Quoted by ...
Look! People differ, characters differ, mindset
Do not be a politician,in politics, rather be a
leader in politics. Politicians are rulers: they think
themselves,a Leader thinks his people.
©Abiodun O.A
Empowerment is knowing that the "RESTS" are
more than the "BESTS" then doing your best and
empowering others to be the Best in the test of
Abiodun O.A
Education is a race won by the survival of the
Abiodun O.A
A man of great vision,you can either be a
story. Your position in his story, would be
determined by how you positioned him, when you
were in the position to position, for better, his
Abiodun O.A
Love is like a true friend, its absence makes the
heart grows fonder.
Abiodun O.A
Every test in our life makes us bitter😔 or better
😊 , Every problem comes to make us or break
us, Choice is ours whether we become victim or
Every bad situation will have something positive.
Even a stopped clock is correct twice a day .
Think of this & lead your life. Splendid.
DREAM makes all things possible. HOPES makes
all things work. LOVE makes all above possible...
A dream not fulfilled is a dream not dreamt.
© chuqudee
Tick tock tick, our lives begin to end. Tick tock
tick, our graves draw more nearer till we shall
hear it any more.
©Amb.S.T.O Emmanuel
Anger is a small madness
So don't do anything when you are angry
Because what you will damage will be more than
what causes your anger.
Inspired by Blessing A. By Precious
The philosophies contradict. Yet, the teachers
expect a perfect life. What chaos is more than
the misleader and the misled working by
# AdelereAdesina
Best may be for the rest,
but I shall hold on to good, for good better best.
©Amb.S.T.O Emmanuel
If perfect love is impossible, then I prefer to
pursue the breeze. What will be my gain after all,
when I've sacrificed my dreams to give imperfect
It is good to get it all messed up at first. It is
good to be undefined. It is good to be unsure, to
feel there is a vacuum knowledge should fill in
one's life. It is this goodness that the wise
delight in, and the unwise only lip.
# Adelere Adesina
Don't be so sure with a guy who walks into your
heart with a smiling face, calls you 24/7, send
sweet text messages and grace you with
colourful gifts.
You drive into conclusion with him who baths
you with ten thousand words, penetrating into
your scared heart.
Ladies trust me;
You can never differentiate a guy's left hand
from his right until your heart is broken in pieces
or used as kiddies toys. 'lol'
"They say; women will always remain foolish to
men until they are married"
I am not a love doctor,
Neither am I a spiritualist,
So these are my simple advices:
Love, don't be drown.
Trust, be vigilant.
Sex, use protection
and above all;
Care at all times.
I pray you find that someone!!!!!
# BeInspired👆🏽
First they said only love does it; then, trust, too;
then selflessness, too; then... Eventually, they
confuse he whose heart is simple. How will he
understand that love is all that it requires?
First they said only love does it; then, trust, too;
then selflessness, too; then... Eventually, they
confuse he whose heart is simple. How will he
understand that love is all that it requires?
#Adelere Adesina
woman's beautiful heart attract a lover, a
woman's beautiful character attract a man.
# Ambassador Mary
Show to me a pure virgin and I will tell you under
her skirt lies a thousand hands of sex!
Even if you are a virgin under, your lips has been
defiled by words, your eyes has been defiled by
things you see...
©Philosopher SSP
Not every skirt put on the table is meant for your
heart. Choose wisely
Not everything that makes your mouth watery is
good for your stomach
Poison can also look sweet.
# Running#Gome
Not every skirt put on the table is meant for your
heart. Choose wisely.
#Running Gome.
You will always know what to do but you have a
choice to do good or do wrong. If I were you I'll
do good.
©Philosopher SSP
"Attitude is like a costume; it beautifies your
character and enhance the role you portray, so
choose the right attitude."
# decentgoogle .go
# GoodMorning
# StayConnected
Make peace with your past or else it will
automatically be in your present and destroy your
#Running Gome#
Life is not the measure of the treasures you
gather. It is the measure of our blessings to
©Amb. S.T.O Emmanuel
From the day I understood what life really is,
nothing freaks me.
©Amb.S.T.O Emmanuel
Your tongue is the richest on earth, it can buy
death and life.
# ChildProdigy
Insanity precedes sanity. Who has ever done
something sane without being relatively insane?
# Dark Genius
Blood money with time will take away it's blood
and honey. If you can't beat them, run away
from them, and reinforce to win them. Patience
is key.
# machenryspeaks.
Door Knocks Twice Insider asks: Who's There
Ans: Its Me "Opportunity" Insider: You Are Wrong
because Opportunity never Knocks twice.
Quoted by ...
Look! People differ, characters differ, mindset
Do not be a politician,in politics, rather be a
leader in politics. Politicians are rulers: they think
themselves,a Leader thinks his people.
©Abiodun O.A
Empowerment is knowing that the "RESTS" are
more than the "BESTS" then doing your best and
empowering others to be the Best in the test of
Abiodun O.A
Education is a race won by the survival of the
Abiodun O.A
A man of great vision,you can either be a
story. Your position in his story, would be
determined by how you positioned him, when you
were in the position to position, for better, his
Abiodun O.A
Love is like a true friend, its absence makes the
heart grows fonder.
Abiodun O.A
Every test in our life makes us bitter😔 or better
😊 , Every problem comes to make us or break
us, Choice is ours whether we become victim or
Every bad situation will have something positive.
Even a stopped clock is correct twice a day .
Think of this & lead your life. Splendid.
DREAM makes all things possible. HOPES makes
all things work. LOVE makes all above possible...
A dream not fulfilled is a dream not dreamt.
© chuqudee
Tick tock tick, our lives begin to end. Tick tock
tick, our graves draw more nearer till we shall
hear it any more.
©Amb.S.T.O Emmanuel
Anger is a small madness
So don't do anything when you are angry
Because what you will damage will be more than
what causes your anger.
Inspired by Blessing A. By Precious
The philosophies contradict. Yet, the teachers
expect a perfect life. What chaos is more than
the misleader and the misled working by
# AdelereAdesina
Best may be for the rest,
but I shall hold on to good, for good better best.
©Amb.S.T.O Emmanuel
If perfect love is impossible, then I prefer to
pursue the breeze. What will be my gain after all,
when I've sacrificed my dreams to give imperfect
It is good to get it all messed up at first. It is
good to be undefined. It is good to be unsure, to
feel there is a vacuum knowledge should fill in
one's life. It is this goodness that the wise
delight in, and the unwise only lip.
# Adelere Adesina
Don't be so sure with a guy who walks into your
heart with a smiling face, calls you 24/7, send
sweet text messages and grace you with
colourful gifts.
You drive into conclusion with him who baths
you with ten thousand words, penetrating into
your scared heart.
Ladies trust me;
You can never differentiate a guy's left hand
from his right until your heart is broken in pieces
or used as kiddies toys. 'lol'
"They say; women will always remain foolish to
men until they are married"
I am not a love doctor,
Neither am I a spiritualist,
So these are my simple advices:
Love, don't be drown.
Trust, be vigilant.
Sex, use protection
and above all;
Care at all times.
I pray you find that someone!!!!!
# BeInspired👆🏽
First they said only love does it; then, trust, too;
then selflessness, too; then... Eventually, they
confuse he whose heart is simple. How will he
understand that love is all that it requires?
First they said only love does it; then, trust, too;
then selflessness, too; then... Eventually, they
confuse he whose heart is simple. How will he
understand that love is all that it requires?
#Adelere Adesina
THIS ROAD(a poem by Sunsampaul Egwu)
On this road
Patience died,
Pains increased,
Matters worsen,
Dreams shatter,
Destinies truncated,
Souls punished,
Lasses raped,
Lads tortured,
Parents brutalized,
Homes downtrodden,
Schools fallen,
Hospitals collapsed,
Evil seen,
Good lost.
This road was same many rode,
Their chariots went down the grave,
Their lungs telegraphed with their kidneys,
Fears killed them.
They passed through excruciating pains,
Same road which their predecessors couldn't
Same road they still suffer from.
A road like hell,
A pathetic road,
A road of hardship.
This road left me in the dark.
Head shattered, humans scattered,
A road where things are hard,
A road where ghosts were found dodging bullets,
A road of torment.
A road where criminals use as means of living.
They hijacked our belongings,
And smashed the little baby,
Whose head was shattered
And my clothes stained with blood.
This road has a sour taste.
I thought it just a paste.
Many move on it with haste,
And ended up loosing the race,
Their eyes couldn't see the mace,
Which this road has made.
Our belongings taken.
Hands on our head.
No one to rescue us,
Our journey truncated,
Hopes fired with fierce bullets.
This road is of no go record.
This road paint us with evil,
Where trees laugh and giggle,
Wind blows bad breath of grotesque.
Night becomes day,
Day becomes night,
Same road my muse was stolen,
And no where seems halcyon.
This road vomit my metaphor like bad breath,
My simile gave a smile in disguise,
My face turn red
When irony speaks of melancholy.
The sun on this road is crying,
Whilst the moon is dead,
And the stars are all sick.
My philosophy is the only one alive,
Whilst my epistemology was beheaded.
This road of night journey.
A journey on a lonely road
Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher is a poet, spoken
word artiste,
instrumentalist and computer science student.
He resides at 42,
Anthony Agboje Street Ajegunle, Apapa,Lagos.
His phone number is
his email is
Patience died,
Pains increased,
Matters worsen,
Dreams shatter,
Destinies truncated,
Souls punished,
Lasses raped,
Lads tortured,
Parents brutalized,
Homes downtrodden,
Schools fallen,
Hospitals collapsed,
Evil seen,
Good lost.
This road was same many rode,
Their chariots went down the grave,
Their lungs telegraphed with their kidneys,
Fears killed them.
They passed through excruciating pains,
Same road which their predecessors couldn't
Same road they still suffer from.
A road like hell,
A pathetic road,
A road of hardship.
This road left me in the dark.
Head shattered, humans scattered,
A road where things are hard,
A road where ghosts were found dodging bullets,
A road of torment.
A road where criminals use as means of living.
They hijacked our belongings,
And smashed the little baby,
Whose head was shattered
And my clothes stained with blood.
This road has a sour taste.
I thought it just a paste.
Many move on it with haste,
And ended up loosing the race,
Their eyes couldn't see the mace,
Which this road has made.
Our belongings taken.
Hands on our head.
No one to rescue us,
Our journey truncated,
Hopes fired with fierce bullets.
This road is of no go record.
This road paint us with evil,
Where trees laugh and giggle,
Wind blows bad breath of grotesque.
Night becomes day,
Day becomes night,
Same road my muse was stolen,
And no where seems halcyon.
This road vomit my metaphor like bad breath,
My simile gave a smile in disguise,
My face turn red
When irony speaks of melancholy.
The sun on this road is crying,
Whilst the moon is dead,
And the stars are all sick.
My philosophy is the only one alive,
Whilst my epistemology was beheaded.
This road of night journey.
A journey on a lonely road
Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher is a poet, spoken
word artiste,
instrumentalist and computer science student.
He resides at 42,
Anthony Agboje Street Ajegunle, Apapa,Lagos.
His phone number is
his email is
WHEN A POETESS WOO A POET(a duel by Ikkky and Philosopher)
Philo, I can't keep wondering who you are.
Are you an angel sent from above?
Your eyes shines like a star,
Your voice; I engroove,
Your smile always enchanting.
oh!my prince charming where are you going?
If I have the power, I would have bewitched you to stay not to leave.
Because just for you I can stay awake all day.
Oh! I know you love me, but I don't want a heart breaker;
I'd have loved to give you my heart,
But it is too tender and soft.
If only you'll promise me
That you'll always be available to make me smile,
To give me joy as I desire.
Then I'll accept you as my love.
Break your heart?
You know I will never do that.
Your heart is safe with me,
I will cherish it always,
With you I will be with always.
Yes! I promise to make you happy and smile.
These were the promises made by a desperate lady.
Tell me you love my money and I'll give you;
Tell me you love my soul I'll examine you,
But if you tell me you love me, I'll tell you to think it twice.
Hope you've not come to make me horny?
Or to call me honey, cos of my money.
I pray these promises of yours
Won't be the trick that lay on women's vein.
Am desperate to have you but not because of your money nor to make you horny.
I love you with all my heart,
I don't want your money all I want is your love and care.
Am not here to trick you my love but have you love me.
Ok, I'll love you as you love me so the world will be loved,
Care for you as you care for me.
Let's not bask in short time love,
But remain together, since you ain't in for my money but my love.
Your beauty reflects all over your body,
You're really endowed with figure eight.
So I pray we stick together like glue
And be the best poet and poetess we wished.
#Duet by
#Fakunle Ikky
#Sunsampaul Philosopher
Philo, I can't keep wondering who you are.
Are you an angel sent from above?
Your eyes shines like a star,
Your voice; I engroove,
Your smile always enchanting.
oh!my prince charming where are you going?
If I have the power, I would have bewitched you to stay not to leave.
Because just for you I can stay awake all day.
Oh! I know you love me, but I don't want a heart breaker;
I'd have loved to give you my heart,
But it is too tender and soft.
If only you'll promise me
That you'll always be available to make me smile,
To give me joy as I desire.
Then I'll accept you as my love.
Break your heart?
You know I will never do that.
Your heart is safe with me,
I will cherish it always,
With you I will be with always.
Yes! I promise to make you happy and smile.
These were the promises made by a desperate lady.
Tell me you love my money and I'll give you;
Tell me you love my soul I'll examine you,
But if you tell me you love me, I'll tell you to think it twice.
Hope you've not come to make me horny?
Or to call me honey, cos of my money.
I pray these promises of yours
Won't be the trick that lay on women's vein.
Am desperate to have you but not because of your money nor to make you horny.
I love you with all my heart,
I don't want your money all I want is your love and care.
Am not here to trick you my love but have you love me.
Ok, I'll love you as you love me so the world will be loved,
Care for you as you care for me.
Let's not bask in short time love,
But remain together, since you ain't in for my money but my love.
Your beauty reflects all over your body,
You're really endowed with figure eight.
So I pray we stick together like glue
And be the best poet and poetess we wished.
#Duet by
#Fakunle Ikky
#Sunsampaul Philosopher
VICTIMIZED VICTIMS(a duel by Philosopher and Writehand)
Men of the underworld have tortured us,
We passed through excruciating pains.
They created zebra crossings on our back,
Which added sorrows and sent us aback.
We are like a music band, headed in one direction.
The unknowns of a distorted race,
The chemtrails of bifurcations,
We know only how to say the grace.
Our tears are now singing,
Singing songs of solemn sorrow.
Our hopes are sobbing
Sobbing sobs of critical crisis.
With throats washed with steam,
And necks made for guillotines,
Faces booked as victims,
Eyes blinded to the real thing.
Our Spittles couldn't even tell the tales;
Tales of how we were made slave in our land.
Our neighbours are mosquitoes;
Mosquitoes that wine and dine on our dying souls.
We are voices lost in the silence of a pitchforked universe,
Hawks cawing names of the almighty and echoed instances of lost planets.
We are gutless vendors of things,
Imperfect endings of the influenced.
We've been made belittled in our sight;
Even when we strive, we can't fight.
Like a blind berger, we've been made to wonder;
Like a cripple, we couldn't move nor ponder.
We bare crosses of the infidels,
Nameless crimes of which the almighty repented
We are victims,
We are victims.
We are victimized victims,
We've be tormented and chained like thieves.
We passed through hardship, and pains,
Our smiles and now plastic, labelled without gain.
We are Vic' things
Stoned cold on reality,
We live once yet die daily;
Lost and left behinds; waiting for the transporter to get back.
#Duet by
#Susampaul Philosopher
#Toby Writehand
Men of the underworld have tortured us,
We passed through excruciating pains.
They created zebra crossings on our back,
Which added sorrows and sent us aback.
We are like a music band, headed in one direction.
The unknowns of a distorted race,
The chemtrails of bifurcations,
We know only how to say the grace.
Our tears are now singing,
Singing songs of solemn sorrow.
Our hopes are sobbing
Sobbing sobs of critical crisis.
With throats washed with steam,
And necks made for guillotines,
Faces booked as victims,
Eyes blinded to the real thing.
Our Spittles couldn't even tell the tales;
Tales of how we were made slave in our land.
Our neighbours are mosquitoes;
Mosquitoes that wine and dine on our dying souls.
We are voices lost in the silence of a pitchforked universe,
Hawks cawing names of the almighty and echoed instances of lost planets.
We are gutless vendors of things,
Imperfect endings of the influenced.
We've been made belittled in our sight;
Even when we strive, we can't fight.
Like a blind berger, we've been made to wonder;
Like a cripple, we couldn't move nor ponder.
We bare crosses of the infidels,
Nameless crimes of which the almighty repented
We are victims,
We are victims.
We are victimized victims,
We've be tormented and chained like thieves.
We passed through hardship, and pains,
Our smiles and now plastic, labelled without gain.
We are Vic' things
Stoned cold on reality,
We live once yet die daily;
Lost and left behinds; waiting for the transporter to get back.
#Duet by
#Susampaul Philosopher
#Toby Writehand
PASSIONATE REVENGE(a poem by Sunsampaul Egwu)
Like tribal marks, they planted tattoos on my chest,
They created zebra crossing on my palms and I couldn't rest.
They whipped me with whips
And sent thunder to paralyze my ribs.
My soften tender voice cry for revenge,
My drop down blood is ready to avenge.
My throat of life will never be retrenched,
Even if they all lay on one bench.
Today I'll catapult my dazzling anger to their homes,
Even if they run to Rome.
I'll behead those who beheaded us,
I'll never allow them run away even with a single horse.
I'll not allow them see tomorrow,
They will all sing songs of sorrow.
Because I'll prepare my deadly arrow,
That will fire and put them in hollow.
I'll quench my their sleep,
And make them weep.
I'll make their day become night,
I'll fight them like a Knight.
I'll catapult nemesis to their deities,
And make them foolish in doing their duties.
I'll summon the sun to strangle them,
And make sure they loose their breaths.
©Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher
They created zebra crossing on my palms and I couldn't rest.
They whipped me with whips
And sent thunder to paralyze my ribs.
My soften tender voice cry for revenge,
My drop down blood is ready to avenge.
My throat of life will never be retrenched,
Even if they all lay on one bench.
Today I'll catapult my dazzling anger to their homes,
Even if they run to Rome.
I'll behead those who beheaded us,
I'll never allow them run away even with a single horse.
I'll not allow them see tomorrow,
They will all sing songs of sorrow.
Because I'll prepare my deadly arrow,
That will fire and put them in hollow.
I'll quench my their sleep,
And make them weep.
I'll make their day become night,
I'll fight them like a Knight.
I'll catapult nemesis to their deities,
And make them foolish in doing their duties.
I'll summon the sun to strangle them,
And make sure they loose their breaths.
©Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher
TO MY UNBORN CHILD(a poem by Sunsampaul Egwu)
This poem was found in the skulls of sages who are dead.
They painted lines of reminiscence with their sweat that are red.
They passed through excruciating pains
For you my unborn child to be great and have gain.
To you my unborn child;
I'll make you smile with similes.
I'll tear my garment in pieces so you can live in peace,
I'll scribble and scrabble on the dabbled marble.
I'll dive and drive so you can ride when others hide.
I'll teach you how to shoot the gun of poetry when I'm gone.
This poem was also found in the brain of my father's father,
Who had a father that once had a father.
He refused to be slave during the time of slavery.
He drew a land mark which my father followed,
He painted a generational future with his blood;
He died for us at the battle field in Biafra war.
To you my unborn child;
I'll strive to make sure you never drink from river marah.
I'll make sure your blood won't be tasted by mosquitoes,
I'll fight to make you live more than my father's father lived.
I'll blow the trumpet and your enemies will bow to you.
I'll make you a poetic philosopher
Cos I'm a philosophical poet,
I'll prepare the way for you as a forerunner.
I'll make your path straight and make you the head and not the tail.
©Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher
They painted lines of reminiscence with their sweat that are red.
They passed through excruciating pains
For you my unborn child to be great and have gain.
To you my unborn child;
I'll make you smile with similes.
I'll tear my garment in pieces so you can live in peace,
I'll scribble and scrabble on the dabbled marble.
I'll dive and drive so you can ride when others hide.
I'll teach you how to shoot the gun of poetry when I'm gone.
This poem was also found in the brain of my father's father,
Who had a father that once had a father.
He refused to be slave during the time of slavery.
He drew a land mark which my father followed,
He painted a generational future with his blood;
He died for us at the battle field in Biafra war.
To you my unborn child;
I'll strive to make sure you never drink from river marah.
I'll make sure your blood won't be tasted by mosquitoes,
I'll fight to make you live more than my father's father lived.
I'll blow the trumpet and your enemies will bow to you.
I'll make you a poetic philosopher
Cos I'm a philosophical poet,
I'll prepare the way for you as a forerunner.
I'll make your path straight and make you the head and not the tail.
©Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher
HONEY MOON(a poem by Sunsampaul Egwu)
I've seen many ladies
But among them all
I've this special one in mind
She's unique in nature
She's always my honey moon
I've made friends with many lasses
But among them all
This lass will not be the last
Cos she added smile on my faces
Her accent is so decent
She's always simple
She's lives without a pimple
Today I celebrate her
With my fans
I dedicate this poem to her
Like poetic gems; we met at arthub
Like love birds; we perch on the seats
Close to each other; we chat and laugh
It wasn't long; we became best of friends
She's from my home town
Which tells she's barely frown
So I present to her this poem
As her birthday counts
Like a dazzling creature
She's unique in nature
Her skill has no suture
She has not been tortured
She's God's favourite
In everything she's right
In his arthub she bubbles
And smile like my honey moon
She's a great woman
Very caring to humans
Knowing her added grace to my prowess
Today I celebrate with you
Edirisma Abiyone Sissy
Happy birthday, wishing you many more years in life
©Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher
But among them all
I've this special one in mind
She's unique in nature
She's always my honey moon
I've made friends with many lasses
But among them all
This lass will not be the last
Cos she added smile on my faces
Her accent is so decent
She's always simple
She's lives without a pimple
Today I celebrate her
With my fans
I dedicate this poem to her
Like poetic gems; we met at arthub
Like love birds; we perch on the seats
Close to each other; we chat and laugh
It wasn't long; we became best of friends
She's from my home town
Which tells she's barely frown
So I present to her this poem
As her birthday counts
Like a dazzling creature
She's unique in nature
Her skill has no suture
She has not been tortured
She's God's favourite
In everything she's right
In his arthub she bubbles
And smile like my honey moon
She's a great woman
Very caring to humans
Knowing her added grace to my prowess
Today I celebrate with you
Edirisma Abiyone Sissy
Happy birthday, wishing you many more years in life
©Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher
UNITED STATE OF AFRICA(a poem by Sunsampaul Egwu)
This poem was found,
In the skulls of sages that were dead.
They painted lines of unity,
With their blood that were red.
They passed through torment,
So many times and different moments.
They were labelled bad,
Because they were black.
Africans passed through excruciating pains,
Every fight brought no gain.
But we still live as one,
Even if our slave masters won.
Babies now breast feed babies in the slum,
All they sucked tasted like a plum.
The bombing and killing,
Beheading and destructive mining.
All these things happen, yet we are still strong;
We refused to be wrong.
Even if we were denied our right,
We'll still fight in the night like knights.
We'll embrace one another like our wife,
We live a good life.
And sharpen our knife,
So we can be able to strike.
Our mouth will speak peace,
More effective than that of a mouth piece.
We all will be united in all states,
Even in season and out of season.
©Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher
Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher is poet, blogger, writer,and 300 level computer science student of National Open University of Nigeria. He's the pioneer of Ghetto city of poetry and CEO of citadel of life. He was the winner of poetry court join me write poetry competition and talented poet annual duel together with figure of speech first winner duel in Lagos. His poems are publish on several hard copies anthologies and blogs. His email is and his number is
In the skulls of sages that were dead.
They painted lines of unity,
With their blood that were red.
They passed through torment,
So many times and different moments.
They were labelled bad,
Because they were black.
Africans passed through excruciating pains,
Every fight brought no gain.
But we still live as one,
Even if our slave masters won.
Babies now breast feed babies in the slum,
All they sucked tasted like a plum.
The bombing and killing,
Beheading and destructive mining.
All these things happen, yet we are still strong;
We refused to be wrong.
Even if we were denied our right,
We'll still fight in the night like knights.
We'll embrace one another like our wife,
We live a good life.
And sharpen our knife,
So we can be able to strike.
Our mouth will speak peace,
More effective than that of a mouth piece.
We all will be united in all states,
Even in season and out of season.
©Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher
Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher is poet, blogger, writer,and 300 level computer science student of National Open University of Nigeria. He's the pioneer of Ghetto city of poetry and CEO of citadel of life. He was the winner of poetry court join me write poetry competition and talented poet annual duel together with figure of speech first winner duel in Lagos. His poems are publish on several hard copies anthologies and blogs. His email is and his number is
MISS BIMBO(a poem by Sunsampaul Egwu)
Like a stunning angel
Your smile brightens every nightingale
Your soft solemn voice echoes
And your sweet reddish tongue rolled
That very night I saw you
Your accent was decent
Your silence was salient
And you were so innocent
The two water melons on your chest
Stayed gallantly like don't even rest
They're sighted my sight
And I thought touching them is my right
They made me Loose my mind
That made me want to wind
Your stunning skin is captivating
A glance at it;my urge started activating
Your soft tender nails cuddled
As your back-side moved like a saddle
Your frenzied driving lip
Is all I want to see
I thought of giving a leap
Each time you go too deep
Oh! It's too much
You don't have to do such
You drop an atom of your spittle
Which wasn't even little
I knew it would be liquid
Though it was also placid
Your little whitish spittle
Mix with mine that wasn't little
It cleansed me and I wasn't belittled
It removed the stains in my soul
And eliminated all my foes
I became whiter than snow
And every time I sowed
I blossom and flourish
I can never be weak nor perish
Oh! Miss Bimbo
A day with you is always
A divine appointed day
©Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher
Your smile brightens every nightingale
Your soft solemn voice echoes
And your sweet reddish tongue rolled
That very night I saw you
Your accent was decent
Your silence was salient
And you were so innocent
The two water melons on your chest
Stayed gallantly like don't even rest
They're sighted my sight
And I thought touching them is my right
They made me Loose my mind
That made me want to wind
Your stunning skin is captivating
A glance at it;my urge started activating
Your soft tender nails cuddled
As your back-side moved like a saddle
Your frenzied driving lip
Is all I want to see
I thought of giving a leap
Each time you go too deep
Oh! It's too much
You don't have to do such
You drop an atom of your spittle
Which wasn't even little
I knew it would be liquid
Though it was also placid
Your little whitish spittle
Mix with mine that wasn't little
It cleansed me and I wasn't belittled
It removed the stains in my soul
And eliminated all my foes
I became whiter than snow
And every time I sowed
I blossom and flourish
I can never be weak nor perish
Oh! Miss Bimbo
A day with you is always
A divine appointed day
©Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher
FREEDOM(a poem by Sunsampaul Egwu)
This poem was deposited in the bellies of those who need freedom,
They were all placed in dungeon.
They passed through excruciating pains,
Their Spittles were made little,
They were all belittled.
Freedom from this dungeon they seek,
They were meek, yet they were all mimicked.
Let's blow the trumpet of freedom with our blood,
Let's bring back our glory, so victory will flow like flood.
Let's fight like Knight tonight for freedom,
And hug our lives as we do to our wives.
Let's blow the trumpet of peace,
And tear every evil garment to pieces.
Let's beat the drum of freedom,
Let's tell them we are free born.
Let's flee from free doom,
And sound our drums like free boom.
Let's heaven scream for joy,
As we break the chain.
And every oppression and disdain,
Today we are free from sins and sufferings.
©Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher
Pls kindly fill this form accordingly
1. Your full name
2. (If you are Nigerian), What part of Nigeria do you hail from? If no. What country and part
3. Are you a Poet, Singer, Dancer, Artist or others?
4. Occupation ...if you're a student, which of the educational institutions do you attend?
5. How did you know of the group, CITADEL OF LIFE
6. Who are your favorite poets, singers, art gurus and which of their work is your favorite.
7. Drop your best piece when it's demanded of you there.
8. Your date of birth
9. List 5 things you will do to make COL grow and be heard by the word about good deeds
10. Send your pics to the group when added
1. Your full name
2. (If you are Nigerian), What part of Nigeria do you hail from? If no. What country and part
3. Are you a Poet, Singer, Dancer, Artist or others?
4. Occupation ...if you're a student, which of the educational institutions do you attend?
5. How did you know of the group, CITADEL OF LIFE
6. Who are your favorite poets, singers, art gurus and which of their work is your favorite.
7. Drop your best piece when it's demanded of you there.
8. Your date of birth
9. List 5 things you will do to make COL grow and be heard by the word about good deeds
10. Send your pics to the group when added
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