Why do we bask in the thighs of child marriage?
Why do we even love to mar their age?
We called them the leaders of tomorrow,
Yet we keep piercing them with arrow.
Many of us are working class parents,
Hustling and working to pay rents;
Yet forgot to take good care of our daughters,
And when they go wrong, we labelled them defaulters.
Why can't we give them pen and not penis?
Why can't we ask for their books and not their boobs?
Why can't we pay their school fees and not bride price?
Why can't we be there for them and not only be dear to them?
They need education not ejaculation,
You don't expect them to see stars just like their elder sisters.
You don't expect them to be so clean
When to them you're so mean.
We just have to adore them, the same way we do to women,
Let there be love and care to render to them from we, men.
Let's teach them the right thing now they're adolescent,
So when they become adults, their lives will shine like a florescent.
©Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher

CITADEL OF LIFE........................(OWNED BY SUNSAMPAUL EGWU A.K.A PHILOSOPHER) Here we bring to your desk poems, prose, articles, news headlines, and all the pleasure of life in written and pictorial form. feel free to make submission of your muse for the world to view your prowess, appreciate it, share it and promote it if need be. NOTE, CITADEL OF LIFE is for everyone. it is the stronghold of life that appreciate all literary works and promote art and literature.Feel free to comment