Before the olden days
What happened?
Was it that homo sapiens
Where busy flaunting their private part in the air of unseen matter
Parabolating in the sphere of bushes
Dancing to the tune of hibiscus and rose
Life is sweet they thought
Where they in
Melancholy or ecstasy?
Where they created or procreated?
Was it before the olden days
That slave trade once live in our vineyard
That military coup became a daily news
That children run helter scatter
Mammals flaunting their breast to be sucked by hot dreaded sun
Men forced into Biafra war
Planes parading our town dropping droplet of dropping drops of bomb
Roof flaunting in the space of tin air
Bushes screaming in forest
Was it before the olden days
That foreigners were sent parking
Troop lashing them with lashes back to their countries
Foreigners clustered in squatted tattered vehicle
With their "Ghana must go" on their head
They mourn for the maltreatment of their young ones
Their face folded like compressed loaf of agege bread
Eyes swollen like someone punched by May-Weather
Isn't it before the olden days
That white was distinguished from black
That made our fertile and profitable vegetations spilled with oil
spillage caused by white
That made black
Kidnapped white in returns for the mess they created
Black begin to feed in dirty harvest
Drinking dirty and contaminated waters
Young ones dyeing of diarrhea
Aged ones dyeing of dehydration
Youth shrinking of pathetic pains
Don't you think it was before the olden days
That terrorist visited our villages
Our oil subsided
Water reduced
Famine increased
Souls decreased
Politics captured fear
Fear captured the weak
Politic became the game of death
Death raced in races of our race
Hope lost
Dreams quenched
Destinies truncated
Was it before the olden days
That corruption became the morsel we consume
Bomb blast became the trumpet we hear
Terrorist terrorizing our territory
Bandits banding in our bank
Banking in the halls of bankrupt
Basking in the basket of bask stairs
We now sleep with one eye open
They now stand with one hand akimbo
Don't you think it was before the old days
We were told that transformation will take place
Or was it a forlorn promise
That made many lag in the promise
They swept the promise under the carpet
And mounted a golden seat on the carpet
Sitting on the seat
But we sat on floor of anarchy
Melancholy rule our vestige
Our prestige made hostage
Freezing like a belated freezer
Was it before the olden days
That we were told about
Change emerging with range to dwell on our sage
To cut off our chains of pain
The change we still await
100 days past we haven't seen the change
Instead our chains of pains are increasing
Yet they sat on a bank
Basking in basket of ecstasy
While we mourn in basket of poverty
I thought it was before the olden days all these took place
Now I know before the olden days
Is an irony which means after the olden days.
#Sunsampaul d Philosopher

CITADEL OF LIFE........................(OWNED BY SUNSAMPAUL EGWU A.K.A PHILOSOPHER) Here we bring to your desk poems, prose, articles, news headlines, and all the pleasure of life in written and pictorial form. feel free to make submission of your muse for the world to view your prowess, appreciate it, share it and promote it if need be. NOTE, CITADEL OF LIFE is for everyone. it is the stronghold of life that appreciate all literary works and promote art and literature.Feel free to comment
nice poems
Friday, January 29, 2016
MORROW MORROW(a poem by Sunsampaul Egwu)
The old die, and the young is born
Destinies truncated, futures created
Things turn around, same things fall apart
We are fading, our strengths degrading.
Pulchritude no longer in multitude, ugly vultures now living creatures
Destinies now in serenity
No home of sovereignty
The moon turns it back at us, leaving us aside.
Besides the pool of our nemesis
The good dies, and the poor lives.
Living to suffer the weight of hardship
Township becomes a sailing ship
Yet many sank
Without a u-turn
We all will one day sail the inevitable ship
We wait for a better morrow,
Even when the road is narrow,
That we can dodge all arrows
And attack with our sparrows
Morrow morrow
A new dawn of a better tomorrow
Nobody shall trespass nor borrow
Coz the lord has bless tomorrow
#Sunsampaul d Philosopher
Destinies truncated, futures created
Things turn around, same things fall apart
We are fading, our strengths degrading.
Pulchritude no longer in multitude, ugly vultures now living creatures
Destinies now in serenity
No home of sovereignty
The moon turns it back at us, leaving us aside.
Besides the pool of our nemesis
The good dies, and the poor lives.
Living to suffer the weight of hardship
Township becomes a sailing ship
Yet many sank
Without a u-turn
We all will one day sail the inevitable ship
We wait for a better morrow,
Even when the road is narrow,
That we can dodge all arrows
And attack with our sparrows
Morrow morrow
A new dawn of a better tomorrow
Nobody shall trespass nor borrow
Coz the lord has bless tomorrow
#Sunsampaul d Philosopher
THE CONSENT(a duet by Sunsampaul and Datalent)
Sunsampaul d philosopher:
I've the fear
If I'm to call dear
Before it get rare
Or I turn to beer
I love to observe you
Not as if I don't deserve you
I better preserve you
Before I loose you
Philo my saviour
I wouldn't want to use all my labour
To make you my harbour
For taking away my worries
I know you're not flirting
With a dog that needs bathing
Sunsampaul d philosopher:
I need no narrator
To mount a projector
That will make me a good suitor
To you my love
Don't you think you are great?
Dearest Philosopher my mate.
Let's leave the flirty dog,
To its job if eating dung.
Come and be by my side
To give me pride
Sunsampaul d philosopher:
You flatter me with words
Fight for me with your sword
Prevent me from having sore
DaTalent you're truly my love for sure
Flatter is an understatement,
With words I'd adorn your raiment.
You eyes spake of untold beauty
You're more than a deity
Sunsampaul d philosopher:
Your beauty makes me smile
Your shape eradicate my pile
Even when I want to lie
You drew me back to the line
You're more than a damsel
You look like you counsel
You are written in my conscience
Oh! This praise for I alone?
With words I'd create a clone
Of you alone my love
Without the aid of gloves.
Sunsampaul d philosopher:
My heart beats faster than drum beat
Each time I hear your name I take a seat
Your hip I can't defeat
Your voice led me out of the pit
I respire and you repeat
The full version of the hit
This love seems to shine so bright,
And melting away my plight.
Loving you should not be a crime,
Or better still a lime.
Sunsampaul d philosopher:
I'd love to taste that lime
Even if I'm not in line
I will spend my whole dime
Just to have a cool dine
And pour on you costly wine
That will make you fine
More than you are my love
As much as I'd love to have you
I wouldn't want any girl beside you
Not wanting to leave you my dear,
And refuse your call I wouldn't dare.
#Sunsampaul d Philosopher
I've the fear
If I'm to call dear
Before it get rare
Or I turn to beer
I love to observe you
Not as if I don't deserve you
I better preserve you
Before I loose you
Philo my saviour
I wouldn't want to use all my labour
To make you my harbour
For taking away my worries
I know you're not flirting
With a dog that needs bathing
Sunsampaul d philosopher:
I need no narrator
To mount a projector
That will make me a good suitor
To you my love
Don't you think you are great?
Dearest Philosopher my mate.
Let's leave the flirty dog,
To its job if eating dung.
Come and be by my side
To give me pride
Sunsampaul d philosopher:
You flatter me with words
Fight for me with your sword
Prevent me from having sore
DaTalent you're truly my love for sure
Flatter is an understatement,
With words I'd adorn your raiment.
You eyes spake of untold beauty
You're more than a deity
Sunsampaul d philosopher:
Your beauty makes me smile
Your shape eradicate my pile
Even when I want to lie
You drew me back to the line
You're more than a damsel
You look like you counsel
You are written in my conscience
Oh! This praise for I alone?
With words I'd create a clone
Of you alone my love
Without the aid of gloves.
Sunsampaul d philosopher:
My heart beats faster than drum beat
Each time I hear your name I take a seat
Your hip I can't defeat
Your voice led me out of the pit
I respire and you repeat
The full version of the hit
This love seems to shine so bright,
And melting away my plight.
Loving you should not be a crime,
Or better still a lime.
Sunsampaul d philosopher:
I'd love to taste that lime
Even if I'm not in line
I will spend my whole dime
Just to have a cool dine
And pour on you costly wine
That will make you fine
More than you are my love
As much as I'd love to have you
I wouldn't want any girl beside you
Not wanting to leave you my dear,
And refuse your call I wouldn't dare.
#Sunsampaul d Philosopher
A TASTEFUL TASTE(a poem by Sunsampaul Egwu)
Drumming like a drummer boy,
I've loved to see the summer burns.
Wet under my blanket,
With the good and bad trumpets.
They awaken corpse in casket,
It seems wasted, even after I fasted.
Alone in the confines of my heart,
I've seen the divine history of my mat.
My prophecies are no longer mysteries,
But in ecstasies defeating our histories.
A new dawn has come
For me to taste the tasteful taste,
Yesterday is gone. Welcome today,
Twenty-fifteen waved goodbye
To a tasteful twenty-sixteen.
A tasteful taste has come,
when souls pile out their tasteful resolutions.
Like rangers they fire to acquire the desire they admire.
Like strangers they become meek and gentle never to fumble and stumble.
A tasteful taste is here,
When good characters are born.
And bad characters will be burn,
Take the bull by the horn before you land in a happy sorrow
Trade a righteous path lest you step into an awkward awesome pit.
#Sunsampaul d Philosopher
I've loved to see the summer burns.
Wet under my blanket,
With the good and bad trumpets.
They awaken corpse in casket,
It seems wasted, even after I fasted.
Alone in the confines of my heart,
I've seen the divine history of my mat.
My prophecies are no longer mysteries,
But in ecstasies defeating our histories.
A new dawn has come
For me to taste the tasteful taste,
Yesterday is gone. Welcome today,
Twenty-fifteen waved goodbye
To a tasteful twenty-sixteen.
A tasteful taste has come,
when souls pile out their tasteful resolutions.
Like rangers they fire to acquire the desire they admire.
Like strangers they become meek and gentle never to fumble and stumble.
A tasteful taste is here,
When good characters are born.
And bad characters will be burn,
Take the bull by the horn before you land in a happy sorrow
Trade a righteous path lest you step into an awkward awesome pit.
#Sunsampaul d Philosopher
PUNCTURED LIFE(a poem by Sunsampaul Egwu)
Pain, and grief
Has taken over as leaders.
Anarchy, and desolate now panders.
We're troubled.
We're disturbed.
We now feed on our feces
Our children Perishing,
And dieing in the slum
No food to feed,
They now live on weed,
Even with their fees.
We now sag and call it swag,
Living in dirtiness,
We consume filthiness,
Endure tortured smack,
When things are just sacked.
Our fate are smiling at us.
Our bones broken,
Lives taken,
Homes fallen,
No one to call unto.
Destinies shattered,
Souls butchered,
Our lives are punctured.
Our daughters raped,
Sons taken,
Mother's battered,
Fathers scattered.
What is left,
What is right,
Punctured life.
We've no peace,
We're no more at ease.
Some travel oversees,
To seek for peace,
Yet find no peace.
We are punctured,
Our homes in desolate,
Our leader we can't appreciate,
Coz they make us depreciate.
What is left,
What is right,
Our lives have been punctured.
#Sunsampaul d Philosopher
Has taken over as leaders.
Anarchy, and desolate now panders.
We're troubled.
We're disturbed.
We now feed on our feces
Our children Perishing,
And dieing in the slum
No food to feed,
They now live on weed,
Even with their fees.
We now sag and call it swag,
Living in dirtiness,
We consume filthiness,
Endure tortured smack,
When things are just sacked.
Our fate are smiling at us.
Our bones broken,
Lives taken,
Homes fallen,
No one to call unto.
Destinies shattered,
Souls butchered,
Our lives are punctured.
Our daughters raped,
Sons taken,
Mother's battered,
Fathers scattered.
What is left,
What is right,
Punctured life.
We've no peace,
We're no more at ease.
Some travel oversees,
To seek for peace,
Yet find no peace.
We are punctured,
Our homes in desolate,
Our leader we can't appreciate,
Coz they make us depreciate.
What is left,
What is right,
Our lives have been punctured.
#Sunsampaul d Philosopher
JESUS IS NOT BORING, RELIGION IS(a poem by Sunsampaul Egwu)
Souls clustering the abode of Yahweh
Longing to hear the sound city of shoki
Most of us now lodge in the bathroom of secular jazz in religious cap
Claiming to be saint in air-conditioned abode of worship
It wasn't David's stone that killed Goliath
Stone can't pierce a person's head
It was God's anointing that killed Goliath
Why do we say Jesus is boring when we dine in the apartment of Azonta
In his presence
Patching parks of six packs in the track of religion
All in the name of cracking worship
Let me brush your medulla
To know this about Jesus and religion
That will lead to the rays of convincing you that
Jesus is not boring
Religion is
Jesus says live
Religion says leave
Jesus gives life
Religion seeks life
Jesus gives peace
Religion seeks peace
Jesus gives joy
Religion seeks joy
Jesus is one
Religion differs
Jesus is not sentimental
Religion is
Jesus is God
Religion is not
Jesus lives
Religion was established
Jesus do wonders
Religion seeks for wonders
Jesus preaches salvation
Religion preaches prosperity
Jesus preaches eternal life
Religion preaches long life
Jesus is just
Religion is partial
Jesus says be humble
Religion says be proud of yourself
Jesus says love your foes
Religion says pray for your foes to die
Jesus is Supreme
Religion is not
Jesus is everywhere
Religion is not
Jesus says your sins had made you whole
Religion says your sins had separated you from God's love
Now tell me
Which is boring
Jesus or religion?
#Sunsampaul d Philosopher
#Jesus is not boring, religion is
Longing to hear the sound city of shoki
Most of us now lodge in the bathroom of secular jazz in religious cap
Claiming to be saint in air-conditioned abode of worship
It wasn't David's stone that killed Goliath
Stone can't pierce a person's head
It was God's anointing that killed Goliath
Why do we say Jesus is boring when we dine in the apartment of Azonta
In his presence
Patching parks of six packs in the track of religion
All in the name of cracking worship
Let me brush your medulla
To know this about Jesus and religion
That will lead to the rays of convincing you that
Jesus is not boring
Religion is
Jesus says live
Religion says leave
Jesus gives life
Religion seeks life
Jesus gives peace
Religion seeks peace
Jesus gives joy
Religion seeks joy
Jesus is one
Religion differs
Jesus is not sentimental
Religion is
Jesus is God
Religion is not
Jesus lives
Religion was established
Jesus do wonders
Religion seeks for wonders
Jesus preaches salvation
Religion preaches prosperity
Jesus preaches eternal life
Religion preaches long life
Jesus is just
Religion is partial
Jesus says be humble
Religion says be proud of yourself
Jesus says love your foes
Religion says pray for your foes to die
Jesus is Supreme
Religion is not
Jesus is everywhere
Religion is not
Jesus says your sins had made you whole
Religion says your sins had separated you from God's love
Now tell me
Which is boring
Jesus or religion?
#Sunsampaul d Philosopher
#Jesus is not boring, religion is
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