nice poems

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

LET THERE BE LIGHT by Sunsampaul Egwu

 If Darkness envelop you,
What would you do?
This darkness is very black,
It has showed us evil with its back,
It is a mighty tunnel
That looks like a funnel.

Light comes for good,
It should be in my hood.
Light brings peace not piss,
It speaks justice not just hiss.
The wind of light brightens darkness,
It overshadows its shadow.

Light is unique.
It has an unreadable ink,
Yet it shines when we wink;
Its reflection always blink.
Let there be light to fill our links,
To open the secret of those in secret sinks

Let's there be light
To unleash different whips;
To whip those executhieves
So they will weep while our weeping stop.
Let its brightness quench our mistiness,
And its rays heal our illness.

Darkness is for evil,light is for good.
No good man go for evil, no bad man go for good.
Light can not doff its hat for darkness, cos light symbolizes Christ.
Light is not meant for a fight, so hold your life tight.
So light will shine on it,
And there would be no night,when you say let there be light.

#Sunsampaul d Philosopher

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