nice poems

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

CITADEL OF LIFE LECTURE #By Sunsampaul Venue: Citadel of

instrumentalist and a spoken word artiste.


Before I proceed. What is writing?
Writing is the process of representing a language with symbols or letters.
Writing is the act of penning down what you are to say

Today we are going down the ocean of stylistic techniques in writing

Many people write but don't know the style they are writing or what
they are even writing .
All they could say is  'article is article'

Now let open the book of the word 'stylistic'

Stylistic is a pertaining to style, especially to linguistic or literary style

In literature we have three major genre. Which are:

Now before you write you must know that stylistic techniques must not
be lacking. Which are :

It is an author’s reference to a person, place, event, or piece of
literature which he expects his audience to recognize or understand.
Example:  In John Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath, the author assumes his
readers’ familiarity..pls try and read that book
You will see what I'm saying

You will find it in any good book shop

I Sunsampaul will tell you that this is a representation of a
character in which, in literature, his or her characteristics are
exaggerated to produce a comic effect.  Example:  In Twain’s
Huckleberry Finn, the “Duke” is a caricature designed to satirize and
create humor.

 Consciousness, Stream of A style of writing:
This is a method in which the author uses interior monologue to show
how the mind works.  The unbroken fl ow of a character’s thoughts and
perceptions are revealed either directly (first-person narrative) or
indirectly through free-wheeling discourse.

 Modernism & Epiphany In literature:
These are sudden revelation that illuminates meaning or
understanding—an “aha” moment.

This is a hint of what is going to happen next.  Example:  In
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the speech by Friar Lawrence about the
mingling of good and evil foreshadows the coming entanglements.
This is a clear example of foreshadowing.

In Media Res:
This is a Latin expression that means that the story actually starts
in the middle of the action.  Example:  Since the Odyssey starts in
Media Res, with Odysseus imprisoned, an audience already familiar with
the character Odysseus can forego mention of his background and go to
the heart of the action.

This is a literary device in which action or language stands in
contrast to what appears to be true or expected.  Example:  “Dr. Fujii
hardly had time to think that he was dying before he realized that he
was alive...”

Do you know there are several types of IRONY?
If you don't, just relax, today I will teach us the types of irony
we've in literature for we to know them vividly when writing any muses

1) Cosmic Irony:
This is a literary device that contrasts what a character attempts to
become and what.  actually happens, due to forces of the universe.

2) Dramatic Irony:
This is also called Tragic Irony, this occurs when what a character
says or believes contradicts what the audience knows to be true.  In
these circumstances, a character’s words and actions have one meaning
for the character and an entirely different meaning for the audience.

3) Situational Irony:
This is a literary device in which the expected action and the actual
action are in direct contrast, usually due to forces out of the
control of the characters.

4) Structural Irony:
 This occurs when a naïve protagonist holds a view or outlook that
differs from the one the author holds.  The reader will usually feel
intellectually superior to the protagonist, and empathy for the hero
often suffers.

5) Verbal Irony:
 This is a figure of speech in which a character says one thing but
actually means the opposite.  Sarcasm often falls into the
classification of verbal irony.

These are the types of irony we need most in life. Let move to the
other stylistic techniques in writing

Let's move on to other stylistic techniques in writing

This is a drama of any type that relies on stereotypes or two
dimensional characters whom the audience recognizes. An exaggeration
of emotions, behaviors, and events is often evident in a melodrama.
Example:  Melodramas often use a serialized story line, damsels in
distress, and characters who are clearly good or evil, as in the early
silent film “The Perils of Pauline”.

This is the manner in which a play or story’s action causes the
audience to feel pity for a character.  In drama, it occurs mainly in
tragedy, but can be found in comedy too

 Poetic Diction:
This is a manner of speaking or expression that is used mainly in
poetry and not in casual conversation.  Example:  William Wordsworth’s
poem, “Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early
Childhood,” provides a classic example of the elevated language of
some poetry.

Poetic License:
This is the privilege of a writer to take liberties with grammatical
rules and structure for desired poetic effects.  Example:  E.E
Cummings is a poet who has made the most of the freedoms of poetic

This is the overriding or dominant idea in a story that is a universal
statement about humanity.  The theme is the central meaning in a piece
of writing and the message that the author wishes the audience to
understand and take away.  Theme may be represented in an indirect
fashion, and differing devices may be used to hint at theme:  the
title, certain quotes, a repeated observation, a recurring motif can
make the reader discover the theme Example:  Justice, dignity, and
freedom can be themes of a certain poem or story. It depends on the
writers motif of writing that particular muse that can as well make
the reader to discover the theme of the muse

®All rights reserved
I'm Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher a poet, Published writer, an

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