Thursday, September 29, 2016

FROM SCAR TO CAR(a flash fiction by Sunsampaul Egwu)

It was a raining day, as the roof were seen combating with the hut, I was alone in my father's hut that fateful evening when the wind came like a deadly beast. Children were running and Parents screaming. I've no were to run to as our hut was still dripping of water due to the bad roof.

   It wasn't long before the heavy downpour subsided, after which I've developed a big scar on my face. It happens like a dream though it was real. I've desired to be a doctor, to treat those lads and lasses in my village, to care for the wussies and aged ones, which has been my secret, but here I'm with a terrible scar planted on my face.

     Few hours later father ran in with Victor my elder bro, they've both been soaked and were shivering due to the rain that rained on them. I felt guilty for my scar, I'd have ran out from the hut knowing fully that it only has half life. I was naive and scared of father searching for me in the middle of the drizzling downpour. That day I grieved in excruciating pains not just because of my scar but because father was restless, he couldn't even tell me tales by moonlight which was his norms.

    Not long after the incident of fear, injury and sorrow, I led that into a conversation that has to do with my future, my carrier, my destiny, to become a Doctor; yes to become a Doctor. Not a Native Doctor but a Medical Doctor. Dad gave me his consent after assuring me of his financial status. So I left for Lagos in search of my Uncle whom I believed will sponsor my career.

As God may have it he concurred and sponsored it and I became the best Medical Doctor with a car which I drove home for Dad's blessing.

©Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher

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