Wednesday, July 20, 2016

DEATH APPEARS(a poem by Sunsampaul Egwu)

I have been full of tears
Growing a lot of fear
Making my heart to tear
Like a divided pear.
Forcing people to swear
Day by day, right here
Taking others over there
Few are now the heirs
Many sent to hell

Yet you are not tired to appear
Cause you always take people's ghost and
I no you don't care
For you are not my dear
Yet you snatch my peer
And truncate my affairs

I never knew you were to be severe
Until when daddy lodge in your tent of despair
And grandma slept in your arm that is unfair
Now you are back with a spare
To take my love as an affair
They can't stand your site when you appear
Even though they were not prepared
You took them to prepare
A judgment of their affairs
So high over there
Where their sins will be very clear
Now I render you a plea
That you don't come into my affair
To make me lodge in fear
Nor drop an acidic tears
That will put my brother in despair
Making him to shared tears
And sharing
The love we always share
To people of the air
While I am suppose to be the heir.

In this state of affair
I refuse to be aware
That death has appear
To disappear with my fears
And put me over there
Where I will be judge based on my affairs
The spot you made on me
The spot is hostile on me
You beheaded me
And make me weak
You put me in a wheel

And made me sail to the stream
Streaming my heart like beam
Making your name wide and fame
And my name dashed in the same
Yet many people you took in shame
Surrounding the past event

You danced to my rhymes of Bullet
I fired at you, but you dodge in silence
Pestering me in pestilence
Putting me in forlorn affluence
Making me a bard of influence
Even though you are our
Worst sickness

That wouldn't leave us to witness
The bright morrow sun and day's business
I thought you once exhibited your meekness
Now I know you are portrayed more wickedness
That sucked human blood with it's thickness
And made many sleeping naked
After few months of been buried in a golden

Some you slaughtered with machete
Others died holding their chest
Tahh! You are not blessed
But you are to be sent
Back to where you should rest
And let us all to be at rest
And leave the rest of our life without been

To enjoy the goodies of this earth
Even though we know there are few saints
That are living decent
So the rest of us won't faint
At the blown of the trumpet
Which might take place at sunset
Or even when we are not set
To go with the rest
That will be taken by the leaving death "rapture"

#Sunsampaul d Philosopher

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