Monday, February 27, 2017

PANEGYRIC TO A PARAGON(a poem by Sunsampaul Egwu)

I do not know if rain fell that day
Or if mama was in pain
I cant tell the precise look on papa's face
Or whether grandma chewed her finger nails

But I know for sure
That when your special head
So pure, popped out
Mama smiled
Even papa hid his grin

Today we celebrate your victorious history
Many years of glory and wonderful stories
Days, months and years have gone by
But the stroke of your act on scroll stays bold

When birds whistle, be still When goats bleat, bleep not When owls
blink, steer safe When dogs bark, fear not

Kick off your shoes, take a break
Crank the tunes
Dance and Shake, light the candles
Cut the cake
Make it a day, that's simply Great!

Happy birth day
Another day to celebrate you
I beam my silence
For I'm a poetic Philosopher

©Sunsampaul Egwu Philosopher