Friday, February 5, 2016

REST IN PIECES(a poem by Sunsampaul Egwu)

To those devilish sadist,
Who've made evil their habits,
Tormenting the innocents,
Persecuting us in resilience,
They're all bunch of aliens.

To all evil perpetrators,
Who came as terminators,
Terminating lives,
Truncating destinies,
Torturing souls,
Puncturing dreams,
They're all bunch of sinners.
To those heartless Assassins,
Who kill, thinking it's not a sin.
Today I've seen,
That they are bunch of bins,
Who use a swords and thrust,
Pull out guns and shoot,
Drew arrows and fire.
Just to please their selfish desire.
They're all bunch of killers.
To those witches and wizards,
Who perform witchcraft
Claiming they've a craft,
Flying tiredly at night,
Taking lives as if it's their right,
They're all bunch of devil's knight,
To those foes,
Who taught they have wisdom,
Yet deny us our freedom,
Refusing the day to shine on us,
Craving jealousy in their mind,
Pestering the day light out of us,
Just coz we're far better than them,
They're all bunch of Sahara fools.
To those heartless politicians,
Who only take politics as a game,
Wasting souls to have fame,
Splitting bodies so they can reign,
Sucking blood with swords and guns again.
All these they do, thinking they've gain
They're all miscreants in disguise.
To those men of the underworld,
Who desire to claim to the world,
Forgetting there's power in the word.
Pounding babies for rituals,
Wishing to taste honey
While we exchanging ladies' breast for blood money,
Plucking out men's penis for evil money,
They're all bunch of devourers.
To those wicked human traffickers
Trafficking our daughters,
Using them to make money,
Ravaging their vagina via sex play,
Torturing them in sex games,
Making them sex toys.
Leaving their lives in shambles,
Many lost their virginity in rambles,
They're all bunch of destroyers.
To those cult boys and girls in campus,
Who steal sleep out of our eyes in campus,
Feeling very pompous.
Threatening students,
Bordering lecturers,
Tormenting souls,
Polluting environment,
They're all bunch of rascals
To all of them, I say R.I.P,
Rest In Pieces.
They must all Rest In Pieces,
For the evil they've done us,
They need no Peace,
But needed to Rest in Pieces.
‪#‎Sunsampaul‬ d Philosopher

PREMATURE SEX(a poem by Sunsampaul Egwu)

Dramatically your ego flaunt
Leaving you amidst regret
After a period of premature enjoyment
Just to mingle while single

After the bang bang bang
Comes the nag nag nag
After you played reggae with her
Comes the blues she will play for you
After the enjoyment
Comes the regret
Premature sex

It started to move slowly and slowly
Suddenly great moan was heard
And she screamed do it faster
Muscle was flexed of the fast pacing

Faster and faster
The fun get more lovely
Moaning was intense
The speed now tactful
Shooting of bombs in her hut
Splitting to diverse direction to strike an egg

Scraggy both part of species
Depositing nature in her
Skin to skin
Flesh to flesh.
Hilarious fun
Fun fare for the youth
Premature sex
A fun to enjoy at the start
A fun to regret after few months

Planting seed of  'I thy know' in both life
Pleasure with negative treasure
Living between the thighs of a temptress
With that iron rod
You can't control
After 30 minutes becomes as small as an inhaler

Wandering with STDs
Skin to skin
Landed you in
The pitch of itches. Rashes and everlasting lashes
Gonorrhea placed you in gone era of severe pains
Premature sex
You seek
Premature death you
may receive when HIV leads to AIDS
Don't be a philander
And fall in the pit of syphilis

#Sunsampaul d Philosopher

Death is not death Duet by: Vine (Vinedepoet) Ayomikun (DaTalent)

When death does its worst
And all seems lost,
Wear off the pain my dear
For death deserves not our tear.
Put up a smile
For this is not the end of the mile
Weep no more,
For he sleeps now but wake by morn

When death comes knocking,
He comes with weeping,
Stealing away our hero,
And leaving in our heart a big zero.
And after his visit is done,
We are left but wretched and torn.

Death leaves me in wonder
And like a wanderer
it's strength i ponder;
Of its ways I found none
O, What a phenomenon!
Weep no more!
For he sleeps now but wake by morn

Death. What a friend,
Though may seem fiend
Yet carries us on his back
And leads us on our 'home track.
I gloat at death's visit,
Its glacial hug; my sole soul feat

Save thy worry,
Need not to hurry:
When our sojourn is over,
With Celestials we'd hover,
We will not quiver nor shiver.
Dry thy grief river that abound
Ere, our Maker will come around.

Life is delicate
Death obliterate; cycle of fate
Lighten up ye bereaved
And let not your heart be deceived
Death is but another phase
That'll take you to your creator's place.

Let this feeling not have  you pierced
For Death was  conquered before it's existence

Death may cloak my glee
With its glossy scarf
Erelong, together we would be
With unending laugh.
I love you so much my dear
That I'd forever sacrifice to you my tear.

Death is not death
It's only our vehicle to eternity from earth
Thy brother is only on a nap while he journeys
So leave all for the Great Attorney
For the judgement is for only Him
And soon we'd all meet again in the realm
Take heart!
Let my words bring thee comfort
So you can stand fit to go forth
Weep no more!
For death is not death

This threnody is inspired by the death of DaTalent's brother.
# R.I.P  --------------------------------------------------------------------

Ogunjimi Elizabeth Ayomikun aka DaTalent  is a Poet and a Law student
of OOU. She hails from Ogun State, Nigeria. The deceased is her

Bio 2.
Izuchukwu Vine Evulukwu  aka Vinedepoet is a bard, Mass Com student @
NOUN, Entrepreneur and Motivational speaker. He hails from Abia State
Contact: 08161269900

Published by :CITADEL OF LIFE